MSE Seminar: Charge Loaded Dielectrics
Friday, February 8, 2019
1:00 p.m.
2110 Chem/Nuc (bldg #90), UMD College Park
Speaker: Timothy Koeth, MSE Research Professor and Radiation Facilities Director, UMD
Title: Charge Loaded Dielectrics
An ideal pulsed power system provides stable long-term energy storage followed by the rapid and controlled delivery upon demand. I will be discussing my research group’s program which has developed a novel method of energy storage and control to meet these demands. The deep implantation of electric charge in dielectrics rivals the energy storage density of super capacitors. Unburdened of conductive plates of classical capacitor construction, practical devices are able assume many geometries. Predictive modeling benchmarked by laboratory experimentation have verified the ability to tailor pulse waveforms and we have demonstrated the ability to dissipate gigawatts of power.