MSE Seminar Speaker: Adam Creuziger, NIST

Friday, February 23, 2018
1:00 p.m.
2110 Chem/Nuc Engineering Building
Robert Briber

Speaker: Adam Creuziger, NIST Center for Automotive Lightweighting

Title: Errors in Phase Fraction Measurements Caused by Crystallographic Texture


The NIST Center for Automotive Lightweighting (NCAL) has several efforts to assist the automotive industry in relevant measurement problems, as many automotive manufacturers have identified vehicle lightweighting as the primary means to meet current and upcoming fuel economy targets. One such problem is measurement of phase fractions. A promising  type of material under development is referred to as 3rd Generation Advanced High Strength Steels (3GAHSS). These steel alloys have high strength and high elongation, obtained by an initial mixture of phases and selective transformation during deformation. Therefore, accurate measurements of the phase fraction in the as-processed steel and as a function of deformation are key.  Unfortunately, despite having used steel for nearly 4,000 years, this measurement remains a challenge. One of the largest factors affecting phase fraction measurements is crystallographic texture, or preferred orientation. Texture is inherent in the processing and deformation, and strongly affects diffraction (x-ray and neutron) phase fraction measurements.  While it is widely recognized that crystallographic texture affects phase fraction measurements, the effect has largely been unquantified.  This presentation will discuss methods to assess errors in phase fraction measurements caused by texture and techniques to minimize them.  


Dr. Creuziger grew up in Central Wisconsin, and graduated with a bachelor of aerospace engineering and mechanics (BAEM) degree from the University of Minnesota in 2002. He then attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison, gaining M. S. (2005) and Ph.D. (2008) degrees in Engineering Mechanics. Dr. Creuziger was awarded a National Research Council (NRC) Research Associate Fellowship to work at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg MD starting in 2008. He has been a staff member at NIST since 2012, and was recently honored with a Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).

Audience: Campus 

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