Lets Build Something Together

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Collaborate with our Faculty

MSE faculty members are experts in a broad array of pressing research areas who collaborate extensively with colleagues in industry, government, and academia.

Meet Our FacultyExplore our Institutes, Centers, and Labs

Hire a Student

Engineering Career Services assists employers in filling co-op, internship, summer or part-time positions with talented engineering students. Together with the University Career Center, we also assist employers in finding candidates for full-time, permanent employment. 

Learn More

Attend Industry Events

Through sponsored lectures, industry-related conferences, and career fairs, the MSE forges links between business and government organizations and our students, faculty, and alumni. 

Explore our Events

Become a Charitable Donor

Donate to the department to invest in the education of our students and the success of our faculty and research staff. 

Give to MSE

Elizabeth Lewis

Associate Director of Development
3218 Jeong Kim Engineering Bldg
