Staff Directory

Johnson, Amber

Johnson, Amber

Director, UMD Radiation Facilities
Senior Faculty Specialist
Materials Science and Engineering
1104 Chemical & Nuclear Engineering Building


  • M.S. Applied Physics, Rice University (2004) 
  • B.S. Physics, St. Mary's College of California (2001)


Glowing ‘Gem of the University’ Observed Its 50th Anniversary

Maryland’s Little-Known Nuclear Reactor Observes a Half-Century of Fission

Reflecting on 20 Years of Excellence and Innovation

Materials Science and Engineering celebrated its anniversary on November 7, 2023.

UMD Training Reactor Hits 5K Operations

The Maryland University Training Reactor, one of 24 U. S. university-based research reactors in existence, has facilitated nuclear engineering education since 1954.

UMD Radiation Facilities Hosts Nuclear Science Merit Badge Program

The event was organized in collaboration with the Baltimore Washington Chapter of the Health Physics Society, and attended by Boy Scouts from the DMV.

Congressional Representatives Visit UMD Radiation Facilities

Representatives of various congressional entities toured the Maryland University Training Reactor.