MSE Seminar Series: Reframing Laboratory Safety: From Obligation to Excellence

Friday, September 13, 2019
1:00 p.m.
2108 Chem/Nuc Bldg
John Cumings

Speakers: Mary Dorman and Miriam Sharp, UMD Dept of Environmental Safety

Title: Reframing Laboratory Safety: From Obligation to Excellence
When you hear the phrase Laboratory Safety, what first comes to mind? Your initial response may be different if you are a Principal Investigator, graduate student, staff member or safety professional. Perhaps you are thinking about the numerous documents and compliance duties, wondering if you missed something important. Or you are mentally running down a list of chemical and physical hazards present in the laboratory. Or you are remembering an incident or a near-miss that forever changed the way you work in the laboratory.  In this engaging presentation, Mary Dorman and Miriam Sharp will review the University's Five Expectations for Conducting Safe Research, engaging the Materials Science and Engineering research community to think about what safety means to them, and providing participants with a simple roadmap to working safely in the laboratory. The actionable concepts discussed can be implemented at all stages of research careers and future workplaces. 
Mary Dorman is the Assistant Director of the Office of Research Safety within the Department of Environmental Safety, Sustainability & Risk. She holds an undergraduate B.S. in Environmental Science with a concentration in Nuclear Science from Rutgers University, and an M.S. in Occupational Safety from New Jersey Institute of Technology. Mary joined UMD in 2010 as the Radiation Safety Officer, and is now leading the Office of Research Safety which includes fifteen professional staff supporting the campus researchers in the areas of Radiation Safety, Laboratory Safety, Biosafety and Scientific Diving Safety.
Miriam Sharp is the Department of Environmental Safety, Sustainability & Risk's Laboratory Safety Manager and Chemical Hygiene Officer, a position which oversees implementation of laboratory safety programs such as training, inspections, and incident investigations across the UMD campus. Miriam is a UMD alumna, before joining ESSR in 2014, she received her doctorate from the Department of Geology for her work in identifying geochemical markers in lunar samples and experimental analogs. 

Audience: Campus 

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