MSE Seminar: Design and Additive Manufacturing of Multi-functional Architected Metamaterials

Friday, March 6, 2020
1:00 p.m.
2110 Chem/Nuc Building, UMD College Park
Ichiro Takeuchi

Speaker: Xiaoyu "Rayne" Zheng, Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California Los Angeles

Title: Less is More: Design and Additive Manufacturing of Multi-functional Architected Metamaterials


Material properties are governed by their chemical composition and intrinsic crystalline structures. This fundamentally limits material properties and their applicability creating trade-offs for selecting materials for product applications, from structural components to sensors and antennas.

Metamaterials represent the concept of utilizing artificial material building blocks to create desirable properties derived from three-dimensional layout and compositions. While novel topologies can now be realized via additive manufacturing, the lack of processable materials, multi-material gradients, speed and scalabilities have stymied its further adoption.

Dr. Zheng will outline a suite of new material design and manufacturing routes, enabled by additive manufacturing of topologies, multi-scale features and multi-material cues. Attention is focused on how additive manufacturing techniques will enable processing the unprocessable, from structural composites to functional and stimuli-responsive multi-materials. This unleashes new design freedoms for rapid material property discovery and product realizations, where mechanical, thermo, electrical, and their coupling behaviors can be inversely designed and tailored by an end user at will. Zheng will present a few examples, where structural, electronic and energy transduction materials are 3D architected into a compact form factor, without requiring multiple processing stages such as printing, embedding or wiring. Next, we will present their new applications, from ultralight and strong materials, intelligent wearables, to compact systems for robotics, air and maritime sensing, actuation, wave guiding and telecommunications.


Dr. Xiaoyu “Rayne” Zheng is an Assistant Professor at University of California, Los Angeles and directs the Advanced Manufacturing and Metamaterials Laboratory. His group draws principles from mechanics, optics and material science to develop the next generation of additive manufacturing (3D printing) processes, material design and synthesis approaches to create multi-functional materials and all-in-one devices with controlled topologies, compositions and multi-scale features. His group transfers these materials to a wide array of applications for electronics, structures, robotics, energy storage and transduction, to biology and health care. Their work on scalable additive manufacturing approaches for ultralight, ultrastrong and resilient materials was featured on MIT Technology Review Top 10 Innovations, R&D 100 Magazine, the Cover on Science Magazine and Nature Materials. Professor Zheng has over 40 publications and multiple patents. He received multiple awards and recognitions, including a DARPA Young Faculty Award, Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Award, Outstanding Assistant Professor Award, 3M Faculty Award, Freeform Fabrication and Additive Manufacturing Excellence Award and the Director’s Award for Publication Excellence from the Lawrence Livermore National Lab.

Audience: Campus 

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