MSE Seminar Series: Calvin M. Stewart, University of Texas

Wednesday, March 9, 2022
12:00 p.m.
2110 CHE (and via Zoom)
Sherri Tatum

Materials at Extremes Research

Speaker: Calvin StewartAssociate Professor, Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas El Paso (UTEP)


Materials are being asked to perform at “extremes” with increased inlet pressures and temperatures in industrial and aero gas turbines, the rise of hypersonic flight, and new Generation IV fission and ITER Fusion reactor concepts. There is a need to develop advanced manufacturing techniques to fabricate extreme environment materials, components, and geometries not possible with conventional techniques. To meet this challenge, government, academia, and industry has invested heavily in Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies and Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) to achieve “designer” components with processing, structure, properties, and performance designed to survive harsh environments. The quest for new materials requires that we quickly manufacture, qualify, and model the performance of the candidate materials for service.

The Materials at Extremes Research Group (MERG) has focused on the development of advanced manufacturing, testing and characterization, theoretical models, and computational tools for various extreme environment applications. In this seminar, we will review the ongoing and future research projects at MERG, and conduct a deep dive into accelerated, parallelized, and miniaturized testing methods for new materials qualification and a probabilistic modeling framework for reliability-based design for extreme environments.


Calvin M. Stewart is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UTEP with a joint appointment in the Center for Space Exploration Technology Research (cSETR), a NASA University Research Center. He obtained a BS, MS, and PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Central Florida in 2008, 2009, and 2013 respectively. Dr. Stewart directs the Materials at Extremes Research Group (MERG) which focuses on the mechanical testing, constitutive modeling, and finite element analysis of materials subject to thermal, mechanical, and chemical extremes. Within the gamut of extremes; creep, fatigue, thermomechanical fatigue, corrosion, oxidation, impact, and fracture are key focus areas. Dr. Stewart has authored over 40 articles in these areas. Current research involves the development of an accelerated creep test protocol for modern and advanced superalloys, development of meta-constitutive model capable of self-identifying the optimal functional form for a given material and boundary conditions, the development of unified viscoplasticity constitutive models for elevated temperature applications, and the fundamental thermomechanical characterization of electron beam melted (EBM) superalloys. Materials of interest include: cast and additively manufactured (AM) superalloys, AM polymers, biomaterials, energetic materials, transportation materials, and others. Computational interests include: stochastic modeling and meta-heuristic optimization algorithms for material constant determination, symbolic regression, and shape optimization.


Audience: Campus 

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