MSE Seminar: Enabling Old Materials for New Opportunities

Wednesday, April 6, 2022
12:00 p.m.
2110 CHE and via Zoom
Sherri Tatum

Speaker: Shenqiang Ren; Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at the University of Buffalo/State University of New York

Title: Enabling Old Materials for New Opportunities


Extreme environment materials often withstand harsh conditions such as high temperatures and reactive atmospheres. To achieve such potential, it is indispensable to design advanced materials and assemble them into hierarchical structural forms, which requires fundamental understanding of chemical processes in materials transformation and manufacturing paradigm shift across multiple length scales from the atomic to the macroscopic. In this talk, I will discuss materials design and transformative manufacturing to tailor metal and ceramic materials at nanoscale, enabling unique disparate functionalities for extreme environments (i.e., electrically and thermally conductive whilst oxidation and corrosion resistant metals; lightweight, superinsulation and mechanically robust ceramics).


Dr. Shenqiang Ren is Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and Chemistry at SUNY-Buffalo with research interests in materials design and assembly, and transformative manufacturing of emerging multifunctional materials. He earned his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Maryland College Park, and then served as a postdoc fellow at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He received 2015 National Science Foundation - CAREER Award, 2014 Army Research Office - Young Investigator Award, 2014 RSC Emerging Investigator, 2013 NSF EPSCOR First Award, 2013 Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship, 2009 China's National Award for Outstanding Graduate Students Abroad, 2009 Dean's Doctoral Research Award and Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Audience: Campus 

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