MSE Seminar: Dr. Tyrel McQueen

Wednesday, February 15, 2023
3:30 p.m.
Room 2110 Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Building
Sherri Tatum

The Convergence of Quantum Materials and Quantum Information Science Tyrel M. McQueen, Johns Hopkins University 

Abstract: The last five years has seen an enormous increase in investment by national governments and corporations in the broad area of quantum science and technology. What are quantum materials and quantum information science? Why are these areas exciting and seeing significant investment? How do they connect to other areas of materials science and technological development? I will present my perspective on these questions drawing upon a decade of fundamental research within the Institute for Quantum Matter and the Co-Design Center for Quantum Advantage (C2QA), and how I see these two previously disparate areas rapidly converging with potential to address long-standing questions and introduce new ones. I will also discuss the broader convergence with other areas of science, including materials by design and the materials genome initiative, and data science and the data revolution, and how they are likely to lead to the next age of human history. 

BioTyrel M. McQueen is a professor of chemistry, physics and astronomy, and materials science and engineering at the Johns Hopkins University, and co-director of the Platform for the Acceleration Realization, Advancement, and Discovery of Interface Materials (PARADIM). He graduated with a PhD in Chemistry and Materials from Princeton in 2009, and started a faculty position at JHU in 2010 after a brief postdoctoral stint at MIT. McQueen is the recipient of numerous awards including the Packard Science and Engineering and Sloan Research Fellowships. His research focuses on the synthesis, discovery, and analysis of new quantum materials, with a vision of their current and future utility. He has authored more than 160 peer-reviewed publications, and pioneered new approaches to single crystal growth and materials design.

Audience: Graduate  Faculty 

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