MSE Seminar Series: Guihua Yu

Friday, November 11, 2016
1:00 p.m.
Room 2108, Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Building
JoAnne Kagle

Nanostructured Electroactive Polymers as a New Material Platform for Advanced Energy and Electronics

Guihua Yu

University of Texas, Austin


Nanostructured materials have become critically important in many areas of technology, ranging from renewable energy, electronics, and photonics to biology and medicine, because of their unusual physical/chemical properties due to confined dimensions of such materials. This talk will present a new class of polymeric materials we developed recently: nanostructured conducting polymer gels (nCPGs) that offer an array of advantageous features such as intrinsic 3D nanostructured conducting framework, exceptional electrical conductivity and electrochemical activity to store and transport ions, synthetically tunable structures and chemical interfaces. These functional organic building blocks have been demonstrated powerful for a number of technological applications in energy, environment and healthcare. Several examples on nCPGs-enabled advanced energy and smart electronic devices including high-energy lithium batteries, self-healing, adaptive electronics and bioelectronic sensors, will be discussed to illustrate ‘structure-derived multi-functionality’ of this special class of materials.


Dr. Guihua Yu is an Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at University of Texas at Austin. He received his B.S. degree with the highest honor in chemistry from University of Science and Technology of China, and earned his Ph.D. in chemistry from Harvard University, followed by postdoc training at Stanford University. His research has been focused on rational synthesis and self-assembly of functional organic nanostructures and two-dimensional nanostructured inorganic solids for advanced energy, environmental and healthcare technologies. He has received several notable awards/honors for young scientists including recent Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship, Royal Society of Chemistry Emerging Investigator Lectureship, MIT Technology Review ‘35 Top Innovators Under 35’, 3M Nontenured Faculty Award, US Frontiers of Engineering by NAE, Emerging Young Investigator named by both Royal Society of Chemistry (J. Mater. Chem.) and American Chemical Society (Chem. Mater.), Ralph E. Powe Jr. Faculty Award, IUPAC Prize for Young Chemists. 

Audience: Public 

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