Materials Science and Engineering Seminar Series: Robert Hull

Friday, April 8, 2011
1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Room 2108, Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Bldg.
JoAnne Kagle

Focused Ion Beam Assembly, Functionalization and Characterization of Semiconductor Nanostructures

Robert Hull
Henry Burlage Jr. Professor of Engineering
Department Head
Materials Science and Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

I will describe how the focused ion beam (FIB) can be used for controlled fabrication and doping of novel semiconductor nanostructures, with application to potential nanoelectronic architectures. Specific examples include nanoscale templating of epitaxial Ge quantum dots and quantum dot molecules on Si(100) surfaces, and fabrication of metal and insulator core-shell structures on semiconductor nanowires. We are also developing methods for electronic and magnetic functionalization of these nanostructures using a mass-selected FIB, where ions of different species can be separated from liquid metal alloy sources (e.g. Si from AuSi, B and As from PdAsB, and Mn and Ge from MnGe).

Work in collaboration with D. Bearud, L. He, J. Murphy (RPI); J. Floro, J. Graham (U. Virginia), J. Gray (U. Pittsburgh), F. Ross (IBM), M. Gherasimova (U. South CT) A. Portavoce (CNRS-Marseilles), J. Jonasson, L. Samuelson (U. Lund).

Audience: Graduate  Faculty  Post-Docs 

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