MSE Seminar Series: Ross Rinaldi

Friday, October 5, 2012
9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Room 2110 Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Bldg.
JoAnne Kagle
301 405 5240

Nano-Biotechnological Methods and Tools for Innovative Diagnostics and Therapy

Ross Rinaldi
National Nanotechnology Laboratory - Istituto di NanoScienze CNR
Scuola Superiore ISUFI
Università del Salento, Lecce

Nano medicine is the next wave of advancements in the healthcare space, enabling novel approaches to address the major problems in modern medicine, like early detection and prevention, and to essentially improve diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of diseases.

Recently we developed several nano-biotechnological approaches aimed at the realization of arrays of biomolecules (arrays of DNA, proteins, antibodies) with micro- or nanoscale spatial resolution. Surface chemistry procedures were combined with lithographic techniques for the realization of nanostructured substrates with bio-recognition capability, and the various processes were optimized in order to obtain highly uniform and functional immobilized biomolecules (for instance, retention of the native folding of fluorescent proteins).

In this talk I will present some possible approaches for the implementation of biosensors and Lab-on-chip devices, based on polymeric materials, exploiting membrane receptors, hybrid systems, colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals (NCs), novel materials and interfaces and different fluorescence or electrical sensing schemes, for highly sensitive real-time analyses of biomolecules and bio-recognition events.

I will also show some recent strategies for the development of cell chips for diagnostic and drug screening based on different detection methods for real-time monitoring of morphological changes and/or specific cellular processes.

Application of these novel bio-systems to early diagnostics of severe diseases and follow up in clinical pathology will be also discussed.

In the second part of the talk I will give an overview on the production, optimization and test of novel therapeutic delivery nano-systems based on nanoparticles, nanowires, nano-cages and capsules decorated with recognition biomolecules and anti-cancer drugs. In the case of polymeric nanocapsules, this approach could become “multivalent”, with the implementation of fluorescent ratiometric sensors for nanoscale imaging and diagnostics.

Audience: Graduate  Faculty  Post-Docs 

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