Professor and Chair

Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Professor and Chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Maryland. The selected candidate will lead a research-intensive academic department, oversee an evolving undergraduate and graduate curriculum, create and manage relationships with regional and worldwide partners across industry, national laboratories and academia, promote excellence in education, scholarship and entrepreneurship among students, faculty and staff, and foster relationships with alumni and other stakeholders.

We are seeking a scholar with an international reputation, an experienced mentor and manager with proven interpersonal skills, and a visionary leader who can elevate the reputation of the department, and continue to identify, attract, recruit, and retain talented students, faculty and staff.

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering is committed to increasing the diversity of our community. Underrepresented minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply, and candidates who have experience and commitment to working with a diverse range of faculty, staff, and students, and who can contribute to the climate of inclusivity are encouraged to describe their experience in these areas.

The A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland catalyzes high-quality research, innovation, and learning, preparing ourstudents to create innovations that will address the 21st century GrandChallenges (e.g., energy, environment, security, and human health) and improve the human condition. The Clark School is dedicated to leading and transforming the engineering discipline and profession, accelerating entrepreneurship, and transforming research and learning activities intoinnovations that benefit millions.

Learn more and apply here.



No openings at this time.

Engineering Career Services helps students find co-op, internship, and summer engineering positions. Students participating in these programs gain professional work experience, earn a competitive salary, make invaluable networking contacts, integrate classroom theory into practice, and confirm their career choices. In conjunction with the campus Career Center, they also assist students in finding post-graduate positions. 

Engineering Career Services
1131 Glenn L. Martin Hall (#088)
4298 Campus Drive
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

Hours: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Mon - Fri
Phone: 301-405-3863 (On-campus ext: x5-3863)

E-Mail: CareerEngr@umd.edu
Student Questions: vperriga@umd.edu
Employer Questions: dvidmar@umd.edu
