Every student can attempt a course twice. A “W” counts as an attempt. Students are allowed to repeat up to 18 credits. All repeats count, including repeats from a previous major or General Education courses.
How many classes can I repeat?
How many credits can I register for each semester?
Students, after their first semester as a Clark School student, may register for a total of 18 credits in the Fall or Spring semesters, a total of 8 credits per Summer session and a total of 4 credits in the Winter semester. GPA must be a 3.0 or higher to be considered for a credit overload.
Can I take courses outside of UMD?
All current University of Maryland students wishing to take a course off campus must submit a Permission to Enroll (PTE) form. Students majoring in engineering must have the form approved by the A. James Clark School of Engineering PRIOR to registering for the course at the other institution. View this link for more information.
What happens if I drop a class after the Schedule Adjustment period?
After the Schedule Adjustment period, students may drop one class (up to 4 credits). A “W” will show on your transcript and this counts as an attempt.
Can I drop more than one class?
In order to drop more than one course, an Exception to Policy form will need to be completed. It is not guaranteed that this petition will be approved.
Should I take CHEM231 and CHEM232 or CHEM481 as the sophomore chemistry class?
If you have an interest in Soft and Biomaterials then CHEM 231 and CHEM232 are required. Also, Organics are widely used in electronics and other applications so having a basic understanding is helpful. You need at least a conversational knowledge of organic chemistry. Otherwise, CHEM 481 is a good choice. It provides a different perspective on thermodynamics and kinetics. CHEM Notes: (1) CHEM 481 has PHYS 260/261 as a prerequisite.
(2) CHEM 481 can be used as the Upper Level Science if you take CHEM 231/232 as the sophomore chemistry class
(3) If you have Soft and Biomaterials as your specialization you may take CHEM 241 as your upper level science class.
Is STAT 400 an approved Technical Elective?
No, STAT 400 is not an approved Technical Elective.
I’m interested in the Nanoscale Science and Technology (NS&T) minor. How do I enroll?
Students wishing to participate in the NS&T minor must formally declare their participation using the Nano Minor Declaration/Advising Form (PDF). Submission of the form must follow a meeting with Professor Ray Phaneuf (phaneuf@lps.umd.edu).
What are the prerequisites/corequisites for ENMA courses?
(1) ENMA 300 is the prerequisite for all ENMA classes.
(2) Required classes that precede any given required course in the program are implicit prerequisites. Knowledge from prior classes is assumed.
(3) View this link for a list of ENMA courses with prerequisites/corequisites.
Is ENMA490 - the Capstone - course required?
Yes, ENMA490 and ENMA487 are required. If you are out of sequence and ENMA 490 is the only class you would need to take in the Spring Semester to graduate, ENMA 466 and ENMA 486 may be substituted with the approval of your advisor.
What are the required courses for this program?
Materials Science and Engineering 4 year plan can be found here.
What is the required grade for the courses in the major?
A grade of C- or better is required for all major requirements. Every student is given two attempts for each course.
I need to fulfill the Upper level science requirement. What are some course options I can register for?
Upper level science requirement of one (1) science course 300 level and above, in Chemistry or Physics. Students specializing in Soft Materials and Biomaterials may take CHEM 241 (Organic Chemistry 2) with the approval of their advisor or a 300 level biology course by filing an exception with the Undergraduate Program Committee.
Other course options are:
CHEM 481 (if they took CHEM 231/232 as their Soph Chem)
CHEM 482 (if they took CHEM 481 as their Soph Chem)
CHEM 403 Radiochemistry
CHEM 433 Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate
PHYS 420 Principles of Modern Physics
PHYS 401 Quantum Mechanics 1 (Note: Students should take MATH 461 Linear Algebra as a Tech Elective before they take PHYS 401)
PHYS 404 Introduction to Statistical Physics
PHYS 431 is not acceptable - it is the PHYS section for our ENMA 460
MATH Is never accepted as an upper level science.
I would like to take a technical elective this semester - which courses can count as a technical elective?
To learn more about the approval process for technical elective visit this link.
Which courses do not count as a technical elective?
In addition to helping students meet specific intellectual or career goals, technical electives need to have significant engineering critical thinking and engineering relevant quantitative analysis components. The following classes are not accepted as MSE Technical Electives:
- STAT 400
- ENME 427
- STAT 464
- ENME 467
I want to take a course during the summer or winter at another institution. What is the process?
All current University of Maryland students wishing to take a course off campus must submit a Permission to Enroll (PTE) form. Students majoring in engineering must have the form approved by the A. James Clark School of Engineering PRIOR to registering for the course at the other institution. See link for more details.
MSE is not my major, however, I would like to take an ENMA course. What is the process?
You will need to complete the Course Permission for Non-major form found here.
I am an MSE student and would like to take a course in another Engineering department. How do I obtain permission?
You will need to complete the Course Permission for Non-major form found here.
I would like to Study Abroad. What is the process?
MSE students typically study abroad in the spring of their sophmore year, or spring of their junior year, through several of our exchange partners, or the Clark in Madrid program. Fall of junior year is only possible at University College Dublin through either exchange, or direct enroll, options. Please follow this link for addtional information.
Helpful tips:
If you plan to do study abroad in the spring of your 3rd year:
- Take ENMA461 Thermodynamics of Materials in your 2nd year.
- Focus on Specialization courses and Tech Electives while abroad.
- Select six courses for approval. Having alternate courses is a good idea.
- Submit syllabi for all the classes as a single PDF to your advisor.
- Submit courses to your advisor for approval at the beginning of the semester before you plan to go abroad.
- Processing time can take 3-5 weeks if your advisor needs to input from the Undergraduate Program Committee or other faculty.
If you plan to study abroad in the spring of your 2rd year:
- You should focus on GEN EDs, and complete ENMA 300, and your math and physics sequences, before your 3rd year.
I am interested in a Double Major or a Double Degree. What is the process?
Review the Double Major/Double Degree Policies, Guidelines & Instructions document. See here for more information.
Double Major (Single Degree with Two Majors): Students pursuing a single degree with two majors will be awarded one diploma, though both majors are noted on the student’s record and transcript.
Double Degree (Two Degrees): Pursuit of two degrees leads to the award of two diplomas. The degrees will be designated separately on the student’s record and transcript.