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Lee, K. T.; Jung, D. W.; Yoon, H. S.; Lidie, A. A.; Camaratta, M. A.; Wachsman, E. D., "Interfacial Modification of La0.80Sr0.20MnO3-Delta-Er0.4Bi0.6O3 Cathodes for High Performance Lower Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", J Power Sources 2012, 220, 324-330.
Karki, K.; Epstein, E.; Cho, J. H.; Jia, Z.; Li, T.; Picraux, S. T.; Wang, C. S.; Cumings, J., "Lithium-Assisted Electrochemical Welding in Silicon Nanowire Battery Electrodes", Nano Letters 2012, 12, (3), 1392-1397.
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Cui, J.; Wu, Y. M.; Muehlbauer, J.; Hwang, Y. H.; Radermacher, R.; Fackler, S.; Wuttig, M.; Takeuchi, I., "Demonstration of High Efficiency Elastocaloric Cooling with Large Delta T Using Niti Wires", Applied Physics Letters 2012, 101, (7).
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Choi, M. B.; Lee, K. T.; Yoon, H. S.; Jeon, S. Y.; Wachsman, E. D.; Song, S. J., "Electrochemical Properties of Ceria-Based Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Using Microwave Heat-Treated La0.1Sr0.9Co0.8Fe0.2O3-Delta as a Cathode", J Power Sources 2012, 220, 377-382.
Choi, M. B.; Jeon, S. Y.; Im, H. N.; Wachsman, E. D.; Song, S. J., "Oxygen Exchange Kinetics and Ionic Conductivity from Chemical Expansion Relaxation of Mixed Conducting Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-Delta", Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2012, 159, (2), P23-P28.
Cheng, Y.; Tsao, C. Y.; Wu, H. C.; Luo, X. L.; Terrell, J. L.; Betz, J.; Payne, G. F.; Bentley, W. E.; Rubloff, G. W., "Electroaddressing Functionalized Polysaccharides as Model Biofilms for Interrogating Cell Signaling", Advanced Functional Materials 2012, 22, (3), 519-528.
Cheng, Y.; Luo, X. L.; Payne, G. F.; Rubloff, G. W., "Biofabrication: Programmable Assembly of Polysaccharide Hydrogels in Microfluidics as Biocompatible Scaffolds", Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22, (16), 7659-7666.
Cheng, Y.; Gray, K. M.; David, L.; Royaud, I.; Payne, G. F.; Rubloff, G. W., "Characterization of the Cathodic Electrodeposition of Semicrystalline Chitosan Hydrogel", Materials Letters 2012, 87, 97-100.
Chen, X. Y.; Zhu, H. L.; Chen, Y. C.; Shang, Y. Y.; Cao, A. Y.; Hu, L. B.; Rubloff, G. W., "Mwcnt/V2O5 Core/Shell Sponge for High Areal Capacity and Power Density Li-Ion Cathodes", ACS Nano 2012, 6, (9), 7948-7955.
Betz, J. F.; Cheng, Y.; Rubloff, G. W., "Direct SERS Detection of Contaminants in a Complex Mixture: Rapid, Single Step Screening for Melamine in Liquid Infant Formula", Analyst 2012, 137, (4), 826-828.
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Zhang, Y.; Kramer, M. J.; Banerjee, D.; Takeuchi, I.; Liu, J. P., "Transmission Electron Microscopy Study on Co/Fe Interdiffusion in SmCo5/Fe and Sm2Co7/Fe/Sm2Co7 Thin Films", Journal of Applied Physics 2011, 110, (5).
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Weilnboeck, F.; Metzler, D.; Kumar, N.; Oehrlein, G. S.; Bruce, R. L.; Engelmann, S.; Fuller, N., "Characterization and Mechanism of He Plasma Pretreatment of Nanoscale Polymer Masks for Improved Pattern Transfer Fidelity", Applied Physics Letters 2011, 99, (26).
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Piorra, A.; Petraru, A.; Kohlstedt, H.; Wuttig, M.; Quandt, E., "Piezoelectric Properties of 0.5(Ba0.7Ca0.3TiO3)-0.5[Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O-3] Ferroelectric Lead-Free Laser Deposited Thin Films", Journal of Applied Physics 2011, 109, (10).
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Luo, X. L.; Buckhout-White, S.; Bentley, W. E.; Rubloff, G. W., "Biofabrication of Chitosan-Silver Composite Sers Substrates Enabling Quantification of Adenine by a Spectroscopic Shift", Biofabrication 2011, 3, (3).
Liu, X. H.; Zheng, H.; Zhong, L.; Huan, S.; Karki, K.; Zhang, L. Q.; Liu, Y.; Kushima, A.; Liang, W. T.; Wang, J. W.; Cho, J. H.; Epstein, E.; Dayeh, S. A.; Picraux, S. T.; Zhu, T.; Li, J.; Sullivan, J. P.; Cumings, J.; Wang, C. S.; Mao, S. X.; Ye, Z. Z.; Zhang, S. L.; Huang, J. Y., "Anisotropic Swelling and Fracture of Silicon Nanowires During Lithiation", Nano Letters 2011, 11, (8), 3312-3318.
Lim, D. K.; Choi, M. B.; Lee, K. T.; Yoon, H. S.; Wachsman, E. D.; Song, S. J., "Conductivity Relaxation of Proton-Conducting BaCe0.85Y0.15O3-Delta Upon Oxidation and Reduction", Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2011, 158, (8), B852-B856.
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Li, J. L.; Yoon, H. S.; Wachsman, E. D., "Hydrogen Permeation through Thin Supported SrCe0.7Zr0.2Eu0.1O3-Delta Membranes; Dependence of Flux on Defect Equilibria and Operating Conditions", J Membrane Sci 2011, 381, (1-2), 126-131.
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Haspert, L. C.; Banerjee, P.; Henn-Lecordier, L.; Rubloff, G. W., "Correlation of Raman, Electrical, and Optical Properties of High-Kappa, Atomic Layer Deposited Al-Doped Tio(2)", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 2011, 29, (4).
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Gregorczyk, K.; Henn-Lecordier, L.; Gatineau, J.; Dussarrat, C.; Rubloff, G., "Atomic Layer Deposition of Ruthenium Using the Novel Precursor Bis(2,6,6-Trimethyl-Cyclohexadienyl)Ruthenium", Chemistry of Materials 2011, 23, (10), 2650-2656.
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Chung, T. Y.; Graves, D. B.; Weilnboeck, F.; Bruce, R. L.; Oehrlein, G. S.; Li, M. Q.; Hudson, E. A., "Ion and Vacuum Ultraviolet Photon Beam Effects in 193 Nm Photoresist Surface Roughening: The Role of the Adamantyl Pendant Group", Plasma Processes and Polymers 2011, 8, (11), 1068-1079.
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Cheng, Y.; Luo, X. L.; Tsao, C. Y.; Wu, H. C.; Betz, J.; Payne, G. F.; Bentley, W. E.; Rubloff, G. W., "Biocompatible Multi-Address 3d Cell Assembly in Microfluidic Devices Using Spatially Programmable Gel Formation", Lab on a Chip 2011, 11, (14), 2316-2318.
Cheng, Y.; Luo, X. L.; Betz, J.; Payne, G. F.; Bentley, W. E.; Rubloff, G. W., "Mechanism of Anodic Electrodeposition of Calcium Alginate", Soft Matter 2011, 7, (12), 5677-5684.
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Bak, T.; Nowotny, J.; Sucher, N. J.; Wachsman, E., "Effect of Crystal Imperfections on Reactivity and Photoreactivity of TiO2 (Rutile) with Oxygen, Water, and Bacteria", J Phys Chem C 2011, 115, (32), 15711-15738.
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Weilnboeck, F.; Bruce, R. L.; Engelmann, S.; Oehrlein, G. S.; Nest, D.; Chung, T. Y.; Graves, D.; Li, M.; Wang, D.; Andes, C.; Hudson, E. A., "Photoresist Modifications by Plasma Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation: The Role of Polymer Structure and Plasma Chemistry", Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 2010, 28, (5), 993-1004.
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Nest, D.; Chung, T. Y.; Vegh, J. J.; Graves, D. B.; Bruce, R. L.; Lin, T.; Phaneuf, R. J.; Oehrlein, G. S.; Long, B. K.; Willson, C. G., "Role of Polymer Structure and Ceiling Temperature in Polymer Roughening and Degradation During Plasma Processing: A Beam System Study of P4ms and P Alpha Ms", Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 2010, 43, (8).
Mishra, T.; Sahu, R. K.; Lim, S. H.; Salamanca-Riba, L. G.; Bhattacharjee, S., "Hexadecylamine Capped Silver and Gold Nanoparticles: Comparative Study on Formation and Self-Organization", Materials Chemistry and Physics 2010, 123, (2-3), 540-545.
Mayergoyz, I. D.; Lang, G.; Hung, L.; Tkachuk, S.; Krafft, C.; Rabin, O., "Plasmon Resonance Enhancement of Magneto-Optic Effects in Garnets", Journal of Applied Physics 2010, 107, (9).
Martinez-Miranda, L. J.; Traister, K. M.; Melendez-Rodriguez, I.; Salamanca-Riba, L., "Liquid Crystal-ZnO Nanoparticle Photovoltaics: Role of Nanoparticles in Ordering the Liquid Crystal", Applied Physics Letters 2010, 97, (22).
Liu, Y.; Kim, E.; Ghodssi, R.; Rubloff, G. W.; Culver, J. N.; Bentley, W. E.; Payne, G. F., "Biofabrication to Build the Biology-Device Interface", Biofabrication 2010, 2, (2).
Lee, S. Y.; Hung, L.; Lang, G. S.; Cornett, J. E.; Mayergoyz, I. D.; Rabin, O., "Dispersion in the Sers Enhancement with Silver Nanocube Dimers", ACS Nano 2010, 4, (10), 5763-5772.
Lee, J.; Long, C. J.; Yang, H. T.; Xiang, X. D.; Takeuchi, I., "Atomic Resolution Imaging at 2.5 Ghz Using near-Field Microwave Microscopy", Applied Physics Letters 2010, 97, (18).
Laver, M.; Mudivarthi, C.; Cullen, J. R.; Flatau, A. B.; Chen, W. C.; Watson, S. M.; Wuttig, M., "Magnetostriction and Magnetic Heterogeneities in Iron-Gallium", Physical Review Letters 2010, 105, (2).
Kim, J. C.; Kim, K. H.; Armendariz, A.; Al-Sheikhly, M., "Electron Beam Irradiation for Mercury Oxidation and Mercury Emissions Control", Journal of Environmental Engineering-ASCE 2010, 136, (5), 554-559.
Kilburn, D.; Roh, J. H.; Guo, L.; Briber, R. M.; Woodson, S. A., "Molecular Crowding Stabilizes Folded Rna Structure by the Excluded Volume Effect", Journal of the American Chemical Society 2010, 132, (25), 8690-8696.
Khodadadi, S.; Roh, J. H.; Kisliuk, A.; Mamontov, E.; Tyagi, M.; Woodson, S. A.; Briber, R. M.; Sokolov, A. P., "Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules: Not a Simple Slaving by Hydration Water", Biophysical Journal 2010, 98, (7), 1321-1326.
Kaufmann, S.; Rossler, U. K.; Heczko, O.; Wuttig, M.; Buschbeck, J.; Schultz, L.; Fahler, S., "Adaptive Modulations of Martensites", Physical Review Letters 2010, 104, (14).
Kan, D.; Takeuchi, I., "Effect of Substrate Orientation on Lattice Relaxation of Epitaxial Bifeo3 Thin Films", Journal of Applied Physics 2010, 108, (1).
Kan, D.; Palova, L.; Anbusathaiah, V.; Cheng, C. J.; Fujino, S.; Nagarajan, V.; Rabe, K. M.; Takeuchi, I., "Universal Behavior and Electric-Field-Induced Structural Transition in Rare-Earth-Substituted Bifeo3", Advanced Functional Materials 2010, 20, (7), 1108-1115.
Kan, C. C.; Wachsman, E. D., "Isotopic-Switching Analysis of Oxygen Reduction in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Cathode Materials", Solid State Ionics 2010, 181, (5-7), 338-347.
Jung, D. W.; Nino, J. C.; Duncan, K. L.; Bishop, S. R.; Wachsman, E. D., "Enhanced Long-Term Stability of Bismuth Oxide-Based Electrolytes for Operation at 500 a Degrees C", Ionics 2010, 16, (2), 97-103.
Jung, D. W.; Duncan, K. L.; Camaratta, M. A.; Lee, K. T.; Nino, J. C.; Wachsman, E. D., "Effect of Annealing Temperature and Dopant Concentration on the Conductivity Behavior in (DyO1.5)(X)-(WO3)(Y)-(BiO1.5)(1-X-Y)", Journal of the American Ceramic Society 2010, 93, (5), 1384-1391.
Fernandes, R.; Luo, X. L.; Tsao, C. Y.; Payne, G. F.; Ghodssi, R.; Rubloff, G. W.; Bentley, W. E., "Biological Nanofactories Facilitate Spatially Selective Capture and Manipulation of Quorum Sensing Bacteria in a Biomems Device", Lab on a Chip 2010, 10, (9), 1128-1134.
Cleveland, E. R.; Banerjee, P.; Perez, I.; Lee, S. B.; Rubloff, G. W., "Profile Evolution for Conformal Atomic Layer Deposition over Nanotopography", ACS Nano 2010, 4, (8), 4637-4644.
Cheng, Y.; Luo, X. L.; Betz, J.; Buckhout-White, S.; Bekdash, O.; Payne, G. F.; Bentley, W. E.; Rubloff, G. W., "In Situ Quantitative Visualization and Characterization of Chitosan Electrodeposition with Paired Sidewall Electrodes", Soft Matter 2010, 6, (14), 3177-3183.
Chen, A.; Smith, J. R.; Duncan, K. L.; DeHoff, R. T.; Jones, K. S.; Wachsman, E. D., "Effect of La2Zr2O7 on Interfacial Resistance in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells", Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2010, 157, (11), B1624-B1628.
Chang, K. S.; Green, M. L.; Levin, I.; Hattrick-Simpers, J. R.; Jaye, C.; Fischer, D. A.; Takeuchi, I.; De Gendt, S., "Physical and Chemical Characterization of Combinatorial Metal Gate Electrode Ta-C-N Library Film", Applied Physics Letters 2010, 96, (19).
Bruce, R. L.; Weilnboeck, F.; Lin, T.; Phaneuf, R. J.; Oehrlein, G. S.; Long, B. K.; Willson, C. G.; Vegh, J. J.; Nest, D.; Graves, D. B., "Relationship between Nanoscale Roughness and Ion-Damaged Layer in Argon Plasma Exposed Polystyrene Films", Journal of Applied Physics 2010, 107, (8).
Brintlinger, T.; Lim, S. H.; Baloch, K. H.; Alexander, P.; Qi, Y.; Barry, J.; Melngailis, J.; Salamanca-Riba, L.; Takeuchi, I.; Cumings, J., "In Situ Observation of Reversible Nanomagnetic Switching Induced by Electric Fields", Nano Letters 2010, 10, (4), 1219-1223.
Banerjee, P.; Lee, W. J.; Bae, K. R.; Lee, S. B.; Rubloff, G. W., "Structural, Electrical, and Optical Properties of Atomic Layer Deposition Al-Doped ZnO Films", Journal of Applied Physics 2010, 108, (4).
Baloch, K. H.; Voskanian, N.; Cumings, J., "Controlling the Thermal Contact Resistance of a Carbon Nanotube Heat Spreader", Applied Physics Letters 2010, 97, (6).
Artemev, A.; Roytburd, A., "Spinodal Single-Domain -> Polydomain Transition and P-E Hysteresis in Thin Ferroelectric Films", Acta Materialia 2010, 58, (3), 1004-1015.
"Self-Organized Two-Dimensional Onions", Shenqiang Ren, R.M. Briber, and Manfred Wuttig, Applied Physics Letters 94(11), 113507 (2009).
"Metal Ion Dependence of Cooperative Collapse Transitions in RNA", Sarvin Moghaddam, Gokhan Caliskan, Seema Chauhan, Changbong Hyeon, R. M. Briber, D. Thirumalai, Sarah A. Woodson, Journal of Molecular Biology, 393(3), 753-764, (2009).
"Dynamics of tRNA at Different Levels of Hydration", Roh J.H., Briber, R. M. ,Damjanovic, A., Thirumalai, D., Woodson, S. A., Sokolov, A. P., Biophysical Journal, 96(7), 2755-2762 (2009).
"Oxidation effect on templating of metal oxide nanoparticles within block copolymers" P. Akcora, R.M. Briber, P. Kofinas, Polymer, 50(5) 1223-1227 (2009).
"Silk-Elastin Hydrogels: Influence of Monomer Sequence on Physicochemical Properties", Ramesh Dandu, Arthur Von Cresce, R.M. Briber, Paul Dowell, Joseph Cappello, Hamidreza Ghandehari, Polymer, 50(2), 366-374 (2009)
"Real-Time Studies of Surface Roughness Development and Reticulation Mechanism of Advanced Photoresist Materials During Plasma Processing", A. R. Pal, R. L. Bruce, F. Weilnboeck, S. Engelmann, T. Lin, M-S Kuo, R. Phaneuf, and G. S. Oehrlein, J. Appl. Phys. 105, pp. 013311-013311-9 (2009).
"Low-Temperature Plasma Assisted Nanotransfer Printing Between Thermoplastic Polymers", D. Y. Lee, D. R. Hines, C. M. Stafford, C. L. Soles, E. K. Lin, and G. S. Oehrlein, Advanced Materials 21, 1-6 (2009).
"Plasma-Surface Interactions of Advanced Photoresists with C4f8/Ar Discharges: Plasma Parameter Dependencies", S. Engelmann, R. L. Bruce, M. Sumiya, T. Kwon, R. Phaneuf, G. S. Oehrlein, C. Andes, D. Graves, D. Nest, E. A. Hudson, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 27(1), 92-106 (2009).
"Spacer Layer Effect in Fluorescence Enhancement from Silver Nanowires over a Silver Film; Switching of Optimum Polarization", Shy-Hauh Guo, Dominic G. Britti, Julia J. Heetderks, Hung-Chih Kan, and Raymond J. Phaneuf, Nano Letters 9, 2666-2670 (2009).
"Nanotubular Electrostatic Capacitors for Electrical Energy Storage", Parag Banerjee, Israel Perez, Laurent Henn-Lecordier, Sang Bok Lee, and Gary W. Rubloff, Nature Nanotechnology 4, 292-296 (2009). (See related news story)
"Electroaddressing of Cell Populations by Co-Deposition with Calcium Alginate Hydrogels", Xiao-Wen Shi, Chen-Yu Tsao, Xiaohua Yang, Yi Liu, Peter Dykstra, Gary W. Rubloff, Reza Ghodssi, William E. Bentley, and Gregory F. Payne, Advanced Functional Materials 19(13), 2074-2080 (2009).
"Enhanced Fluorescence by Metal Nanospheres on Metal Substrates", S. D'Agostino, P. P. Pompa, R. Chiuri, R. J. Phaneuf, R. Rinaldi, R. Cingolani and F. Della Sala, Optics Letters 34, 2381-2383 (2009).
"Spatial Resolution in Chitosan-Based Programmable Biomolecular Scaffolds", Susan L. Buckhout-White, Erin C. Dreyer, Hyunmin Yi, and Gary W. Rubloff, Soft Matter 5, 3677-3681 (2009).
"Surface induced nanofiber growth by self-assembly of a silk-elastin-like protein polymer", W. Hwang, B. Kim, R. Dandu, J. Cappello, H. Ghandehari, and J. Seog, Langmuir 25(21), 12682-12686 (2009).
"Labile Ferroelastic Nanodomains in Bilayered Ferroelectric Thin Films," Varatharajan Anbusathaiah, Daisuke Kan, Fransiska C. Kartawidjaja, Reza Mahjoub, Miryam A. Arredondo, Samantha Wicks, Ichiro Takeuchi, John Wang, and Valanoor Nagarajan, Advanced Materials 21, 3497-3502 (2009).
"Observation of the Josephson Effect in Pb/Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Single Crystal Junctions," Xiaohang Zhang, Yoon Seok Oh, Yong Liu, Liqin Yan, Kee Hoon Kim, Richard L. Greene, and Ichiro Takeuchi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 147002 (2009).
"ALD-Based Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) Nanocapacitors for Energy Storage", Parag Banerjee, Israel Perez, Laurent Henn-Lecordier, Sang Bok Lee, and Gary Rubloff, ECS Transactions 25(4), 345-353 (2009). (See related news story)
"Diblock Copolymer Based Self-Assembled Nanomagnetoelectric", Shenqiang Ren, R.M. Briber, and Manfred Wuttig, Applied Physics Letters 93(17), 173507 (2008). (See our Nanotechnology Research page for more information)
"Conformation of Arborescent Polymers in Solution by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering: Segment Density and Core-Shell Morphology‚" Seok Il Yun, Kai-Chi Lai, R.M. Briber, SJ. Teertstra, M. Gauthier, B.J. Bauer, , Macromolecules, 41(1) 175-183 (2008).
"Electron Thermal Microscopy", Todd Brintlinger, Yi Qi, Kamal H. Baloch, D. Goldhaber-Gordon, and John Cumings, Nano Letters 8(2), 582 (2008). (See related news story | See related Research Spotlight)
"Direct Observation of the Ice Rule in Artificial Kagome Spin Ice", Yi Qi, T. Brintlinger, and John Cumings, Physical Review B 77(9), 094418 (2008). (See related news story | See related Research Spotlight)
"Synergistic Effects of Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation ,Ion Bombardment, and Heating in 193 nm Photoresist Roughening and Degradation", D. Nest, D. B. Graves, S. Engelmann, R. L. Bruce, F. Weilnboeck, G. S. Oehrlein, C. Andes, and E. A. Hudson, Applied Physics Letters, 92, 153113 (2008).
"Molecular Dynamics Simulations of near-Surface Modification of Polystyrene: Bombardment with Ar+ and Ar+/Radical Chemistries", J. J. Vegh, D. Nest, D. B. Graves, R. Bruce, S. Engelmann, T. Kwon, R. J. Phaneuf, G. S. Oehrlein, B. K. Long, C. G. Willson, Journal of Applied Physics, 104(3) (2008).
"Study of 193 Nm Photoresist Degradation During Short Time Fluorocarbon Plasma Exposure. I. Studies of Modified Layer Formation", M. Sumiya, R. Bruce, S. Engelmann, F. Weilnboeck, G. S. Oehrlein, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 26(5), 1637-1646 and 1647-1653 (2008).
"Synergistic Effects of Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation, Ion Bombardment, and Heating in 193 Nm Photoresist Roughening and Degradation", D. Nest, D. B. Graves, S. Engelmann, R. L. Bruce, F. Weilnboeck, G. S. Oehrlein, C. Andes, E. A. Hudson, Applied Physics Letters, 92(15) (2008).
"Fluorescence Enhancement from Size-selected Nanoparticles: The Role of an Active Substrate Substrate", S.-H. Guo, S.-J. Tsai, H.-C. Kan, D.-H. Tsai, Michael R. Zachariah, and R. J. Phaneuf, Advanced Materials 20, 1424-1429 (2008).
"Optical Plasmonic Resonances in Split-Ring Resonator Structures: An Improved LC Model", T. D. Corrigan, P. W. Kolb, A. B. Sushkov, H. D. Drew, D. C. Schmadel, and R. J. Phaneuf, Optics Express 16, 19850-19864 (2008).
"Enhanced Fluorescence and Near-Field Intensity for Ag Nanowire/Nanocolumn Arrays: Evidence for the Role of Surface Plasmon Standing Waves", Shy-Hauh Guo, Julia J. Heetderks, Hung-Chih Kan, and Raymond J. Phaneuf, Optics Express 16, 18417-18425 (2008). (Selected for publication in the Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics.) (See related news story | See related Research Spotlight)
"Characteristic Length Scales in Evolution of Patterned Step Structure on Vicinal Si(111) Surface During High Temperature Annealing", H-C. Kan, T. Kwon and R. J. Phaneuf, Physical Review B 77, 205401-1,-6 (2008). (Selected for the May 12, 2008 issue of the Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, published by the American Institute of Physics and the American Physical Society.)
"Programmable Assembly of a Metabolic Pathway Enzyme in a Pre-Packaged Reusable BioMEMS Device", Xiaolong Luo, Angela T. Lewandowski, Hyunmin Yi, Gregory F. Payne, Reza Ghodssi, William E. Bentley, Gary W. Rubloff. Lab on a Chip 8, 420-430 (2008). (See related news story)
"TEM-Based Metrology for HfO2 Layers and Nanotubes Formed in Anodic Aluminum Oxide Nanopore Structures", Israel Perez, Erin Robertson, Parag Banerjee, Laurent Henn-Lecordier, Gary W. Rubloff, Sang Jun Son, and Sang Bok Lee, Small 4, 1223 (2008).
"Protein Assembly onto Patterned Microfabricated Devices through Enzymatic Activation of Fusion Pro-Tag", Angela T. Lewandowski, Hyunmin Yi, Xiaolong Luo, Gregory F. Payne, Reza Ghodssi, Gary W. Rubloff, and William E. Bentley, Biotechnology and Bioengineering 99 (3), 499-507 (2008).
"Chitosan Biotinylation and Electrodeposition for Selective Protein Assembly", Xiaowen Shi, Yi Liu, Angela T. Lewandowski, Li-Qun Wu, Hsuan-Chen Wu, Reza Ghodssi, Gary W. Rubloff, William E. Bentley, Gregory F. Payne. Macromolecular Bioscience 8, 451-457 (2008).
"Towards Area-Based In Vitro Metabolic Engineering: Assembly of Pfs Enzyme onto Patterned Microfabricated Chips", Angela T. Lewandowski, Hyunmin Yi, Gregory F. Payne, Reza Ghodssi, Gary W. Rubloff, William E. Bentley, Biotechnology Progress 24(5), 1042-1051 (2008).
"Design Optimization for BioMEMS Studies of Enzyme-Controlled Metabolic Pathways", Xiaolong Luo, Dean Larios Berlin, Susan Buckhout-White, William E. Bentley, Gregory F. Payne, Reza Ghodssi, and Gary W. Rubloff, Biomedical Microdevices 10:6 (2008).
"Environment-Controlled Spin Coating to Orient Microdomains in Thin Block Copolymer Films", Sangcheol Kim, R.M. Briber, Alamgir Karim, Ronald L. Jones, and Ho-Cheol Kim, Macromolecules, 40(12), 4102-4105 (2007).
"Plasma-Surface Interactions of Model Polymers for Advanced Photoresists Using C4f8/Ar Discharges and Energetic Ar+ Ion Beams", S. Engelmann, R. L. Bruce, T. Kwon, R. Phaneuf, G. S. Oehrlein, Y. C. Bae, C. Andes, D. Graves, D. Nest, E. A. Hudson, P. Lazzeri, E. Iacob, M. Anderle, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 25(4), 1353-1364 (2007).
"Near-Surface Modification of Polystyrene by Ar+: Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Experimental Validation", J. J. Végh, D. Nest, D. B. Graves, R. Bruce, S. Engelmann, T. Kwon, R. J. Phaneuf, G. S. Oehrlein, B. K. Long and C. G. Willson, Applied Physics Letters 91, 233113-1,-3 (2007). (See related Research Spotlight)
"Spatial and Size-Resolved Electrostatic-Directed Deposition of Nanoparticles on a Field-Generating Substrate: Theoretical and Experimental Analysis", D.-H. Tsai, T. Hawa, H.-C. Kan, R. J. Phaneuf, and M. R. Zachariah, Nanotechnology 18, 365201-36510 (2007).
"Transient Roughening Behavior and Spontaneous Pattern Formation during Plasma Etching of Nanoporous Silica", T. Kwon, H.-C. Kan, G. S. Oehrlein, and R.J. Phaneuf, Nanotechnology, 18, 055305-055309 (2007).
"A Nanotechnology Approach Towards an In Vivo Biological Factory", Philip R. LeDuc, Michael S. Wong, Placid M. Ferreira, Richard E. Groff, Kiryn Haslinger, Michael P. Koonce, Woo Y. Lee, J. Christopher Love, J. Andrew McCammon, Nancy A. Monteiro-Riviere, Vincent M. Rotello, Gary W. Rubloff, Robert Westervelt, Minami Yoda, Nature Nanotechnology 2, 1-6 (2007).
"Mechano-Transduction of DNA Hybridization and Dopamine Oxidation through Electrodeposited Chitosan Network", Stephan T. Koev, Michael A. Powers, Hyunmin Yi, Li-Qun Wu, William E. Bentley, Gary W. Rubloff, and Reza Ghodssi, Lab on a Chip 7, 103-111 (2007).
"TMV Microarrays: Hybridization-based Assembly of DNA-Programmed Viral Nanotemplates", Hyunmin Yi, Gary W. Rubloff, and James N. Culver, Langmuir 23, 2663-2667 (2007).
"Mechanical Properties of Alloys Consisting of Two Ductile Phases," S. Ankem, H. Margolin, C. Greene, B. Neuberger, P. Oberson. Progress in Materials Science, 51, 632-709 (2006).
"Dynamic Transition in tRNA is Solvent Induced", G. Caliskan, R.M. Briber, D. Thirumalai, V. Garcia-Sakai, S.A. Woodson, A.P. Sokolov, JACS Communications 128, 32-33 (2006).
"A Tunable Anomalous Hall Effect in a Non-Ferromagentic System", John Cumings, L. S. Moore, H. T. Chou, K. C. Ku, G. Xiang, S. A. Crooker, N. Samarth, and D.Goldhaber-Gordon, Physical Review Letters 96(19), 196404 (2006). (See related news story | See related Research Spotlight)
"Studies of Plasma Surface Interactions During Short Time Plasma Etching of 193 and 248 Nm Photoresist Materials", X. Hua, S. Engelmann, G. S. Oehrlein, P. Jiang, P. Lazzeri, E. Iacob, M. Anderle, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 24(4), 1850-1858 (2006).
"Damage of Ultralow K Materials During Photoresist Mask Stripping Process", X. F. Hua, M. S. Kuo, G. S. Oehrlein, P. Lazzeri, E. Iacob, M. Anderle, C. K. Inoki, T. S. Kuan, P. Jiang, W. L. Wu, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 24(3), 1238-1247 (2006).
"Temperature-Driven Change in the Unstable Growth Mode on Patterned GaAs(001)", T. Tadayyon-Eslami, H.-C. Kan, L. C. Calhoun and R. J. Phaneuf, Physical Review Letters 97, 126101-1,-4 (2006). (See related Research Spotlight)
"Evolution of Patterned GaAs(001) during Homoepitaxial Growth: Size vs. Spacing," H.-C. Kan, R. Ankam, S. Shah, K.M. Micholsky, T. Tadayyon-Eslami, L. Calhoun, and R. J. Phaneuf, Physical Review B 73, 195410-1,-8 (2006).
"A Systematic Study of the Size and Spacing Dependence of Ag Nanoparticle Enhanced Fluorescence Using Electron Beam Lithography," T. D. Corrigan, S.-H. Guo, H. Szmacinski, and R. J. Phaneuf, Applied Physics Letters 88, 101112-1,-3 (2006).
"Length-Scale Dependence of the Step Bunch Self-Organization on Patterned Vicinal Si(111) Surfaces", T. Kwon, H-C. Kan and R. J. Phaneuf, Applied Physics Letters 88, 071914-1,-3 (2006).
"Chitosan-Mediated In-situ Biomolecule Assembly in Completely Packaged Microfluidic Devices", Jung Jin Park, Xiaolong Luo, Theresa M. Valentine, Hyunmin Yi, Gregory F. Payne, Willliam E. Bentley, Reza Ghodssi, and Gary W. Rubloff, Lab on a Chip 6 (10), 1315-1321 (2006).
"Combinatorial Search of Thermoelastic Shape Memory Alloys with Minimal Hysteresis," Jun Cui, Yong S. Chu, Olugbenga O. Famodu1, Yasubumi Furuya, Jae. Hattrick-Simpers, Richard James, Alfred Ludwig, Sigurd Thienhaus, Manfred Wuttig, Zhiyong Zhang, and I. Takeuchi, Nature Materials 5, 286 (2006). (See related Research Spotlight)
"Why Twins Do Not Grow at the Speed of Sound All the Time," P.G. Oberson, S. Ankem, Physical Review Letters, 95, 165501, 165501, 1-4 (2005). (See related Research Spotlight)
"Templating Organosilicate Vitrification Using Unimolecular Self-Organizing Polymers: Evolution of Morphology and Nanoporosity Development with Network Formation", T. Magbitang, V.Y. Lee, R.D. Miller, M.F. Toney, Z.L. Lin, R.M. Briber, H.C. Kim, J.L. Hedri, Advanced Materials 17(8), 1031-1035 (2005).
"Persistence Length Changes Dramatically as RNA Folds", G. Caliskan, C. Hyeon, U. Perez-Salas, R.M. Briber, S.A. Woodson and D. Thirumalai, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 268303 (2005).
"Studies of Film Deposition in Fluorocarbon Plasmas Employing a Small Gap Structure", L. Zheng, L. Ling, X. F. Hua, G. S. Oehrlein, E. A. Hudson, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 23(4), 634-642 (2005).
"Electrostatic-Directed Deposition Of Nanoparticles On A Field Generating Substrate," D-H Tsai, S. H. Kim, T. D. Corrigan, R J Phaneuf, and M.R. Zachariah, Nanotechnology 16 1856-1862 (2005).
"Direct Imaging of Forces in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) Tunneling to a Silicon pn Junctions", Jeong Young Park, R. J. Phaneuf, D. F. Ogletree, and M. Salmeron, Applied Physics Letters 86, 172105 (2005).
"Enhanced Fluorescence from Periodic Arrays of Silver Nanoparticles," (Invited), T. D. Corrigan, S. Guo, R. J. Phaneuf, and H. Szmacinski, Journal of Fluorescence 15, 779, (2005).
"Patterned Assembly of Genetically Modified Viral Nanotemplates via Nucleic Acid Hybridization", Hyunmin Yi, Saira Nisar, Sang-Yup Lee, Michael A. Powers, William E. Bentley, Gregory F. Payne, Reza Ghodssi, Gary W. Rubloff, Michael T. Harris, and James N. Culver, Nano Letters 5 (10), 1931-36 (2005).
"A FabricationPplatform for Electrically Mediated Optically Active Biofunctionalized Sites in BioMEMS", Michael A. Powers, Stephan T. Koev, Arne Schleunitz, Hyunmin Yi, Vildana Hodzic, William E. Bentley, Gregory F. Payne, Gary W. Rubloff, and Reza Ghodssi, Lab on a Chip 5, 583-586 (2005).
"Signal-Directed Sequential Assembly of Biomolecules onto Patterned Surfaces", Hyunmin Yi, Li-Qun Wu, Reza Ghodssi, Gary W. Rubloff, Gregory F. Payne, and William E. Bentley, Langmuir 21 (6) 2104-2107 (Mar 15 2005).
"Biofabrication with Chitosan", Hyunmin Yi, Li-Qun Wu, William E. Bentley, Reza Ghodssi, Gary W. Rubloff, James N. Culver, and Gregory F. Payne, review paper, Biomacromolecules 6 (6) 2881-2894 (2005). (See related news story)
"Materials Design in the Performance of All-Ceramic Crowns," B.R. Lawn, A. Pajares, Y. Zhang, Y. Deng, M.A. Polack, I.K. Lloyd, E.D. Rekow, V.P. Thompson. Biomaterials 25 (14), 2885-2892 (2004).
"Properties of C-C4F8 Inductively Coupled Plasmas. Ii. Plasma Chemistry and Reaction Mechanism for Modeling of Ar/C-C4f8/O-2 Discharges", A. V. Vasenkov, X. Li, G. S. Oehrlein, M. J. Kushner, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 22(3), 511-530 (2004).
"Investigation of Surface Modifications of 193 and 248 Nm Photoresist Materials During Low-Pressure Plasma Etching", L. Ling, X. Hua, X. Li, G. S. Oehrlein, E. A. Hudson, P. Lazzeri, M. Anderle, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 22(6), 2594-2603 (2004).
"Properties of C4F8 Inductively Coupled Plasmas. L. Studies of Ar/C-C4F8 Magnetically Confined Plasmas for Etching of SiO2", X. Li, L. Ling, X. F. Hua, G. S. Oehrlein, Y. C. Wang, A. V. Vasenkov, M. J. Kushner, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 22(3), 500-510 (2004).
"Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ar+-Induced Transport of Fluorine through Fluorocarbon Films", D. Humbird, D. B. Graves, X. F. Hua, G. S. Oehrlein, Applied Physics Letters, 84(7), 1073-1075 (2004).
"Transient Evolution of Surface Roughness on Patterned GaAs(001) During Homoepitaxial Growth", H.-C. Kan, S. Shah, T.T. Tadyyon-Eslami and R.J. Phaneuf, Physical Review Letters 92, 146101-1,-4 (2004).
"Preparation and characterization of end-grafted polyelectrolytes on nanoscale probe tips using an electric field", J. Seog, E. Frank, D. Dean, A. Grodzinsky, and C. Ortiz, Macromolecules 37 (3); 1156-1158 (2004).
"Characteristics of C4F8 Plasmas with Ar, Ne, and He Additives for Sio2 Etching in an Inductively Coupled Plasma (Icp) Reactor", X. Li, L. Ling, X. F. Hua, G. S. Oehrlein, Y. C. Wang, H. M. Anderson, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 21(6), 1955-1963 (2003).
"Effects of Ar and O-2 Additives on SiO2 Etching in C4F8-Based Plasmas", X. Li, L. Ling, X. F. Hua, M. Fukasawa, G. S. Oehrlein, M. Barela, H. M. Anderson, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 21(1), 284-293 (2003).
"Study of C4F8/N-2 and C4F8/Ar/N-2 Plasmas for Highly Selective Organosilicate Glass Etching over Si3n4 and Sic", X. F. Hua, X. Wang, D. Fuentevilla, G. S. Oehrlein, F. G. Celii, K. H. R. Kirmse, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 21(5), 1708-1716 (2003).