News Story
2010-2011 MSE Undergraduate Awards
Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) undergraduates were among the award recipients at the 2010-2011 A. James Clark School of Engineering's Honors and Awards Ceremony, held April 19. The event honors students from all departments who have demonstrated outstanding academic performance, research, and contributions to their departments or fields. MSE Professor and Chair Robert M. Briber presented the department's awards, while Dean Darryll Pines presented awards to students who were recognized at the Clark School-level.
This year, the awards and their recipients were:
Department Awards
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering Chairman’s Outstanding Senior Award
The Chairman's Outstanding Senior Award is presented to a graduating senior for scholarship, leadership, and service to the department.
Awarded to Paul Lambert
Paul Lambert is in the department’s five year bachelors/masters program and has begun his graduate work following graduation in December 2011. He is working in the area of a surface preparation technique for improved reliability and service life in metallic bone implants under the direction of Professor Rama Ankem. He was elected to Alpha Sigma Mu, the professional materials science and engineering honor society, in 2011 and has been a member of the Materials Advantage Society. Paul served as the Community Service co-chair for Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society. He was also the recipient of the ASM International Morgan L. Williams Scholarship in 2010. In addition to his research and service activities, Paul was actively involved in the performing arts on campus.
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering’s Outstanding Materials Student Service Award
The Outstanding Materials Student Service Award is presented to a graduating senior in the department for outstanding service to the department's recruiting efforts plus service to society.
Awarded to Michael Meadows
Michael Meadows, a senior, has served as the president of the Materials Engineering Society for the past year. He has been instrumental in continuing the growth and organization of the student group, including identifying interests of the members and developing related activities. This will provide a framework for continued success of the Society as it increases in membership. Michael has been active in service to the Department. He was elected to Alpha Sigma Mu, the professional materials science and engineering honor society, in 2011.
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering Student Research Award
Awarded to Douglas Trigg
Douglas Trigg, a junior, is currently involved in research with Professor Manfred Wuttig. His research focuses integrated electronic signals with Labview to independently measure elastic constants of materials. He has also revived legacy equipment for research use. Doug has also been an active participant in department outreach activities. He was elected to Alpha Sigma Mu, the professional materials science and engineering honor society, in 2009.
A. James Clark School of Engineering Awards
The Keystone Design Challenge Award
Presented to the freshman engineering design teams that build an autonomously controlled hovercraft that completes a specified course in the minimum amount of time.
Emily Dumm was a member of Team Legend, which won the Spring 2010 Keystone Design Challenge.
Congratulations to all of our students!
Published April 20, 2011