News Story
Long Wins Bruker AXS Scholarship
Graduate student Chris Long, working with others in Associate Professor Ichiro Takeuchi's group, won the first Bruker AXS Excellence in X-ray Diffraction scholarship for unique applications in the category of Nanotechnology and Materials Science. The award was announced at the Fall MRS Meeting in Boston, MA ( It was given for their work in advanced visualization and analysis techniques of X-ray microdiffraction data from combinatorial thin film libraries of functional materials.
They have developed a method for handling a large number of diffraction data. MATLAB is used to quickly organize the data and create various plots from which one can quickly grasp different information regarding structural and phase changes across the composition spreads. Such exercises are valuable in rapidly assessing the “overall” picture of the structural evolution across phase diagrams before focusing in on specific composition regions for detailed structural analysis. This work is part of the materials informatics research effort in Takeuchi’s group. It was published in Review of Scientific Instruments (vol.76, 062223 (2005)), and animation of the figures are available at www.
Published January 19, 2006