News Story
MSE Faculty Pursues New Work In Bi-Fe-O Multiferroic Nanocomposite Thin Films
A paper co-authored by M. Murakami, S. Fujino, S.H. Lim, L. G. Salamanca-Riba, M. Wuttig, I. Takeuchi, Bindhu Varughese, H. Sugaya, and T. Hasegawa, was published in Applied Physics Letters, a top journal in the field of materials science. The article was titled: "Microstructure and phase control in Bi-Fe-O multiferroic nanocomposite thin films," and describes new work on the bismuth–iron-oxygen system and follows the behavior in thin films of this material as it changes from a ferroelectric system to a mixed ferromagnetic/ferroelectric system. Ferromagnetic/ferroelectric materials are exciting new systems for smart materials which will find new applications in sensors and actuators.Published June 1, 2006