Below are videos produced by, or about, our department, as well as the other great materials videos we recommend. Please note: Not all of these videos have sound.

You can also watch these videos on our YouTube channel, MaterialsatUMD. If you attend one of our undegraduate Visit Maryland Days or a Materials Science & Engineering Open House, you can see and try the demos in person!

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Researchers Make Wood Stronger than Steel

MSE Associate Professor, Liangbing Hu, in collaboration with UMD Mechanical Engineering Professor, Teng Li, have created a wood-based material that is even more durable than steel. Watch this Voice of American report to learn more!

Energy and Sustainability Innovations at the University of Maryland

A Battery Made of Wood?

How Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Work

A Career of Advances in Fuel Cells

NaMnO2 Dense Battery Electrode FIB-SEM Reconstruction

Pearls on a String: Tiny Silicon Beads to Advance Battery Technology

MSE at UMD: Solving Society's Great Problems

Silver Saver: Nanotechnology Keeps the Shine on Silver

MSE Videos pt. 2MSE Videos pt. 3Capstone Design Teams' Videos
