Al-Sheikhly, Mohamad
Materials Science and Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Maryland Energy Innovation Institute
2123 CHE
Ph.D., University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, England, 1981
Elected President of the Council of Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards (CIRMS), 2005. CIRMS is an
independent, non-profit council that brings together experts involved in all aspects of ionizing radiation to discuss, review and assess developments and needs in this field. CIRMS was established and is sponsored by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Physics Laboratory. - ASTM-Committee E10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications, Award of Appreciation "For Outstanding Leadership and Services to ASTM Subcommittee E10-01 As the Chairman of the Task Group that Developed the Revised Standard Guide for Selection and Calibration of Dosimetry Systems For Radiation Processing", 2001.
- The 3M Company Faculty Award (company gift), September, 2000.
- Invention of the Year Finalist "Process for Hydrogen Bonding Between Chain Molecules and Novel Applications to Information and Analytical Technology and Devices", Office of Technology Liaison-Research and Graduate Studies, 1999.
- Award of ASTM-Committee-E10-Nuclear Technology and Applications, "For Outstanding Leadership and Service to ASTM Subcommittee E10.01" as Chairman of the task group that successfully developed the Standards “Guide for Selection and Calibration of Dosimetry Systems for Radiation Processing”, January 1995.
- Best Paper Award, The International Conference of High Dose Dosimetry, for "Novel Radiochromic Films Clinical Dosimetry", Budapest, Hungary, July 1995.
- Award of ASTM-Committee-E10-Nuclear Technology and Applications, "For Outstanding Leadership as the Symposium Co-chairman for the Second International Workshop on Dosimetry for Radiation Processing", October 1991.
- American Chemical Society
- American Nuclear Society
- American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
- Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards (CIRMS)
- Material Research Society
- Oxygen Club (Washington, D. C.)
Polymers, biomaterials, radiation engineering, nuclear engineering, environmental effects.
Professor Al-Sheikhly is also a member of the faculty of The Graduate Program in Nuclear Engineering, a component of the Clark School's Sustainable Energy Engineering Program. For more information please visit the program's web site at www.ennu.umd.edu.
Dr. Al-Sheikhly developed and typically teaches the following courses:
ENMA 620: Polymer Physics
The thermodynamics, structure, morphology and properties of polymers. Developing an understanding of the relationships between theory and observed behavior in polymeric materials. -
ENMA 624: Radiation Engineering
Ionizing radiation, radiation dosimetry and sensors, radiation processing, radiation effects on; polymers, metals, semiconductors, liquid, and gas, radiation in advance manufacturing, radiation-physical technology.
Dr. Al-Sheikhly has also developed and taught:
- ENNU 489C & ENMA 698D: Special Problems in Materials Science and Engineering: Degradation of Materials
- ENCH 468J: Environmental Chemical Engineering
- ENMA 489E/ENNU 468E: Radiation Engineering
- ENMA 489: Environmental Effects on Engineering Materials
- ENNU 631: Applied Radiation Physics
- ENMA 698R: Special Problems in Materials Science and Engineering: Radiation Effects in Polymers
- Kim, J.C., Kim, K.H., Armendariz, A., & Al-Sheikhly, M., Electron Beam Irradiation for Mercury Oxidation and Mercury Emissions Control. Journal of Environmental Engineering-Asce 136 (5), 554-559 (2010).
- Kim, J.C. et al., Combined radiolytic and catalytic oxidizing method to remove toluene in gas phase. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 79 (7), 797-802 (2010).
- Livingston, R.A., Al-Sheikhly, M., & Mohamed, A.B., Numerical simulation of the PGNA signal from chlorine diffusion gradients in concrete. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 68 (4-5), 679-682 (2010).
- Mohamed, A.B., Al-Sheikhly, M., Livingston, R., & Saleh, H., Monte Carlo simulations of a portable prompt gamma system for nondestructive determination of chloride in reinforced concrete. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266 (15), 3397-3405 (2008).
- Zaikin, Y.A., Aimuratov, D.B., & Al-Sheikhly, M., Dose rate effect on internal friction and structural transformations in electron-irradiated carbon-armored composites. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 76 (8-9), 1399-1403 (2007).
- Zaikin, Y.A., Ismailova, G.A., & Al-Sheikhly, M., Effect of pulse electron beam characteristics on internal friction and structural alterations in epoxy. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 76 (8-9), 1404-1408 (2007).
- M. Al-Sheikhly, W.L. McLaughlin, and J. Silverman, A pulse radiolysis study of the mechanisms of radiolytic dye formation in organic and aqueous solutions of hexa (hydroxyethyl) pararosaniline cyanide. Submitted to Journal of Physical Chemistry (2007).
- Sweet, D., Salamanca-Riba, L., Martinaz-Miranda, L.J., Varughese, B., Silverman, J., Christou, A., & Al-Sheikhly, M., Vertically aligned self-assembled DNA oligonucleotides on arsenic-terminated GaAs. Revised manuscript submitted to Nano Letters (2007).
- Wang, C.K.C. et al., Experimental validation of the new nanodosimetry-based cell survival model for mixed neutron and gamma-ray irradiation. Physics in Medicine and Biology 52 (17), N367-N374 (2007).
- Al-Sheikhly, M. et al., Ionizing radiation-induced destruction of benzene and dienes in aqueous media. Environmental Science & Technology 40 (9), 3082-3088 (2006).
- Mohamed, A.B., Silverman, J., Weiss, D.E., & Al-Sheikhly, M., Monte Carlo simulations of complex geometries and an optimal (60)cobalt source design using the integrated TIGER series (ITS 3.0). Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 243 (2), 359-370 (2006).
- Al-Sheikhly, M. et al., Radiation-induced failure mechanisms of GaAs-Based biochips. Ieee Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability 4 (2), 192-197 (2004).
- Al-Sheikhly, M., Silverman, J., Simic, M., & Michael, B., Formation and reactions of alkyl, allyl, biallylic, and peroxyl radicals from unsaturated fatty acids in micellar and monomeric aqueous solutions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (45), 17618-17627 (2004).
- Zhyang, C., Yalamanchili, P., Al-Sheikhly, M., & Christou, A. Metal migration in epoxy encapsulated ECL devices. Microelectronic Reliability, 44, 1324-1330, (2004).
- Ardabili, L.M., Al-Sheikhly, M., Martinaz-Miranda, L., A.Christou, J. Silverman, & Bentley, W.E., DNA self-assembly on GaAs. Journal of Applied Physics, 95, 6021-6024, (2004).
- Jones, C.G., Silverman, J., Al-Sheikhly, M., Neta, P., & Poster, D.L., Dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls in industrial transformer oil by radiolytic and photolytic methods. Environmental Science & Technology 37 (24), 5773-5777 (2003).
- Poster, D.L. et al., Degradation of PCBs in a marine sediment treated with ionizing and UV radiation. Environmental Science & Technology 37 (17), 3808-3815 (2003).
- Harayma, H., Al-Sheikhly, M., & Silverman, J., Oligomer formation in the radiation-induced polymerization of styrene. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 68 (6), 1023-1029 (2003).
- Feng, H.X., Al-Sheikhly, M., Silverman, J., Weiss, D.E., & Neta, P., Polymerization of neat 2-ethylhexyl acrylate induced by a pulsed electron beam. Journal of Polymer Science Part a-Polymer Chemistry 41 (1), 196-203 (2003).
- Feng, H.X., Al-Sheikhly, M., Silverman, J., & Weiss, D.E., The role of pulse frequency and acrylic acid in the radiation-induced bulk polymerization of 2-ethylhexyl acrylate. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 67 (3-4), 347-352 (2003).
- Mohaddes-Ardabili, L. et al., Attachment of DNA probes on gallium arsenide surface. Applied Physics Letters 83 (1), 192-194 (2003).
- Sadeghi, A., Chaychian, M., Al-Sheikhly, M., & McLaughlin, W.L., Radiation-induced reduction of ditetrazolium salt in aqueous solutions. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 64 (1), 13-18 (2002).
- Chaychian, M. et al., Radiolytic dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls in transformer oil and in marine sediment. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 65 (4-5), 473-478 (2002).
- Pierpoint, S., Silverman, J., & Al-Sheikhly, M., Effects of ionizing radiation on the aging of polyester based polyurethane binder. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 62 (1), 163-169 (2001).
- McLaughlin, W.L. et al., High-density polyethylene dosimetry by transvinylene FTIR analysis. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 56 (4), 503-508 (1999).
- Chaychian, M., Silverman, J., Al-Sheikhly, M., Poster, D.L., & Neta, P., Ionizing radiation induced degradation of tetrachlorobiphenyl in transformer oil. Environmental Science & Technology 33 (14), 2461-2464 (1999).
- Feng, T., Al-Sheikhly, M., & Christou, A., Defect formation in SiGe/Si structures grown on GaAs by CVD techniques utilizing a Si : H template layer. Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology 67 (1-2), 70-75 (1999).
- Schmelling, D. et al., Applications of ionizing radiation to the remediation of materials contaminated with heavy metals and polychlorinated biphenyls. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 52 (1-6), 371-377 (1998).
- Kovacs, K., Wojnarovits, L., Kurucz, C., Al-Sheikhly, M., & McLaughlin, W.L., Large-Scale Dosimetry Using Dilute Methylene Blue Dye in Aqueous Solution. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 52, 539-542 (1998).
- Selected Invited Talks
- "Radiation-Induced Destruction of Volatile Organic Compounds in Aqueous Solutions by Dual Oxidation/Reduction Mechanisms" Prospects and Challenges in Application of radiation for Treating Exhaust Gases", International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Warsaw, Poland, 14-18 May, 2007.
- "Kinetics of Remediation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Induced by Electron Beam Irradiation in Aqueous and Aqueous Micellar Solutions, and Transformer Oil), 25th Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry, Buxton, United Kingdom, April 14-18, 2007.
- "Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Volatile Organic Contaminants", Mahnaz Chaychian and Mohamad Al-Sheikhly, 2nd RCM (Research Co-ordination Meeting) of the International Atomic Energy Agency's Co-ordinated Research Project on " Electron Beam Treatment of Organic Pollutants Contained in Gaseous Streams" at Beijing, China from 16 to 20 October 2006.
- "Uncertainty Considerations for PGNA Measurement of Chlorides in Concrete" Richard A. Livingston, Ali Mohamad and Mohamad Al-Sheikhly, 15TH Annual Meeting of the Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards, Implications of Uncertainty in Radiation Measurements and Applications, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, October, 23-25, 2006.
- "Radiation chemistry and processing of polymers", Radiation Processing of Polymers Conference" Society of Plastics Engineers" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 10, 2005.
- "Destruction of Hazardous Organic Compounds in Aqueous Industrial Waste Streams" Consultants Meeting on Nuclear analytical techniques for determination of halogenated organic pollutants in the environment", International Atomic Energy Agency, Headquarter, Vienna, Austria, September 20-23, 2005.
- "Pulsed Beam Polymerization", Faculty of Physics, Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, June 3, 2005.
- "Electron Beam Remediation of PCB Contamination Sites", First Research Coordination Meeting on Electron Beam Treatment of Organic Pollutants Contained in Gaseous Streams, International Atomic Energy Agency, Headquarter, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 May, 2005.
- "Radiation Chemistry and the Remediation of PCB-Contaminated Sites", Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, April, 2004.
- "Determination of optimum radiolytic treatment methodologies for remediation of PCB contamination sites", Department Seminar, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, April (2003).
- "Radiation-induced grafting of butadiene to poly(vinylchloride)", American Chemical Society Meeting, New York, July (2003).
- "The radiation chemistry of polyethylene and terazolium dosimeters", Workshop on Advances in High-Dose Dosimetry, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, April 24-25 (2003).
- "On the mechanisms of the electron-beam induced polymerization of 2-ethyl acrylate", 10th "Tihany" Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, August 31-September 5 (2002).
- "Kinetics and mechanisms of the radiation-induced polymerization of acrylated systems", Keynote Presentation, Polymer Processing Society Meeting, PPS, 2001, Antalya, Turkey, October 22-24 (2001).
- "Optically addressed DNA on a ship", The Center for Optoelectronic Devices, Interconnects, and Packaging-Review, University of Maryland, November 30 (2001).
- "The role of antioxidants in the radiolysis of fatty acids micellar systems and liposome", Sponsored by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Third Research Co-ordination Meeting on "The use of radiation processing for sterilization or decontamination of pharmaceutical raw materials", Ankara, Turkey 10-14 May (2001).
- "Near infrared photo-induced hybridization of DNA in aqueous solutions and techniques to attach DNA probes to GaAs and GaN surfaces", Symposium B, Molecular and Biomolecular Electronics, Materials Research Society (MRS)-Spring-Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 16-19 (2001).
- "Fundamental aspects of the radiation resistance of polymers", Johnson and Johnson Company-Ethicon, March 14 (2001).
- "The selection criteria for dosimetry systems", Fourth International Workshop on Dosimetry for Radiation Processing", San Diego, CA, October 22-27 (2000).
- "Radiation-induced copper migration in the printed circuit boards", Ninth annual meeting of the Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards (CIRMS), sponsored by NIST, October 30-September 1 (2000).
- "On the mechanisms of the radiation chemistry of ultra -high molecular weight polyethylene and its application in the medical implant", Sponsored by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)- Consultant Meeting on Post-irradiation stability of radiation sterilized medical implants, University of Maryland at College Park, August 29- September 1 (2000).
- "On the radiolysis of fatty acids micellar systems and the role of the antioxidants", Sponsored by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Second Research Co-ordination Meeting on "The use of radiation processing for sterilization or decontamination of pharmaceutical raw materials", Cairo, Egypt 06-10 May (2000).
- "Application of radiation engineering in the advanced manufacturing of epoxide-carbon -fiber composites", Workshop on E-Beam Curing Kinetics, University of Delaware Center for Composite Materials, April 13 (2000).
- "Application s of epoxy-carbon fiber composite in cryo-technology", Lockheed Martin Michoud Space Systems, New Orleans, LA, January (2000).
- "Application of radiation engineering in advanced manufacturing", Peking University, Beijing, China, May (1999).
- "On the radiation chemistry mechanisms of the electron beam curing of epoxy-carbon-fiber composite", Beijing Radiation Application Research Center. Beijing, China, May (1999).
- "Application of electron beam technology in the remediation of PCBs contaminated sites", Beijing Radiation Application Research Center. Beijing, China, May (1999).
- "Electron beam-induced conductivity in PVC/PANI, VCI/Vac/PANI and PPCI Blends", Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards (CIRMS), National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, October 13-15 (1999).
- "Electron beam curing of epoxid-fiber composites", Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards (CIRMS), National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, October 13-15 (1999).
- "Applications of radiation engineering in environmental remediation", International Conference on Future Nuclear Systems, Snowking Resort, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, August 29-September 3 (1999).
- "DNA Integrated with Semiconductor for High Density Memory", Fall Distinguished Speaker Colloquium Series, Department of Materials and nuclear Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, December 11 (1998).
- "Radiation sterilization of Pharmaceutical Compounds" IAEA-First Research Co-ordination Meeting on "The Use of Radiation Processing for Sterilization or Decontamination of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmaceutical Raw Materials", Vienna, Austria, 30 November-3 December (1998).