231. Mingyang Qin, Zefeng Lin, Zhongxu Wei, Beiyi Zhu, Jie Yuan, Ichiro Takeuchi, Kui Jin. “High-throughput research on superconductivity,” Chinese Physics Letters 27, 127402 (2018).
230. Angelique Jarry, Sandrine Ricote, Aaron Geller, Christopher Pellegrinelli, Xiaohang Zhang, David Stewart, Ichiro Takeuchi, Eric Wachsman, Ethan J Crumlin, Bryan Eichhorn. “Assessing Substitution Effects on Surface Chemistry by in Situ Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy on Perovskite Thin Films, BaCexZr0.9–xY0.1O2.95 (x = 0; 0.2; 0.9),” ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 10, 37661-37670 (2018).
229. Huilong Hou, Peter Finkel, Margot Staruch, Jun Cui, and Ichiro Takeuchi. “Ultra-low-field magneto-elastocaloric effect,” Nature Communications 9, 4075 (2018).
228. C Wu, H Yu, H Li, X Zhang, I Takeuchi, M Li. “Low-loss integrated photonic switch using sub-wavelength patterned phase change material,” ACS photonics (2018).
227. Kirstin Alberi, Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, Andriy Zakutayev, Lubos Mitas, Stefano Curtarolo, Anubhav Jain, Marco Fornari, Nicola Marzari, Ichiro Takeuchi, Martin L Green, Mercouri Kanatzidis, Mike F Toney, Sergiy Butenko, Bryce Meredig, Stephan Lany, Ursula Kattner, Albert Davydov, Eric S Toberer, Vladan Stevanovic, Aron Walsh, Nam-Gyu Park, Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Daniel P Tabor, Jenny Nelson, James Murphy, Anant Setlur, John Gregoire, Hong Li, Ruijuan Xiao, Alfred Ludwig, Lane W Martin, Andrew M Rappe, Su-Huai Wei, John Perkins. “The 2019 Materials by Design Roadmap,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52, 013001 (2018).
226. Valentin Stanev, Velimir V. Vesselinov, A. Gilad Kusne, Graham Antoszewski, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Boian S. Alexandrov. “Unsupervised phase mapping of X-ray diffraction data by nonnegative matrix factorization integrated with custom clustering,” npj Computational Materials 4, 43 (2018).
224. Valentin Stanev, Corey Oses, A. Gilad Kusne, Efrain Rodriguez, Johnpierre Paglione, Stefano Curtarolo, and Ichiro Takeuchi. “Machine learning modeling of superconducting critical temperature,” npj Computational Materials 4, 29 (2018).
223. Sihyuk Choi, Chris J Kucharczyk, Yangang Liang, Xiaohang Zhang, Ichiro Takeuchi, Ho-Il Ji, Sossina M Haile. “Exceptional power density and stability at intermediate temperatures in protonic ceramic fuel cells,” Nature Energy 3, 202–210 (2018)
222. Jingdi Zhang, Jie Yong, Ichiro Takeuchi, Richard L. Greene, and Richard D. Averitt. “Ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy study of a Kondo insulating thin-film SmB6: Evidence for an emergent surface state,” Physical Review B 97, 155119 (2018)
221. Ruiyun Huang, Chris J. Kucharczyk, Yangang Liang, Xiaohang Zhang, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Sossina M. Haile. “Out-of-Plane Ionic Conductivity Measurement Configuration for High-Throughput Experiments,” ACS Combinatorial Science 20, 443–450 (2018).
220. Huilong Hou, Jun Cui, Suxin Qian, David Catalini, Yunho Hwang, Reinhard Radermacher and Ichiro Takeuchi. “Overcoming fatigue through compression for advanced elastocaloric cooling,” MRS Bulletin 43, 285-290 (2018).
219. Suxin Qian, Lifen Yuan, Huilong Hou & Ichiro Takeuchi. “Accurate prediction of work and coefficient of performance of elastocaloric materials with phase transformation kinetics,” Science and Technology for the Built Environment, Science and Technology for the Built Environment 24, 673-684 (2018).
218. H. M. Iftekhar Jaim, Seunghun Lee, Xiaohang Zhang, Ichiro Takeuchi. “Stability of the oxygen vacancy induced conductivity in BaSnO3 thin films on SrTiO3,” Applied Physics Letters 111, 172102 (2017).
217. Seunghun Lee, Haihang Wang, Priya Gopal, Jongmoon Shin, H. M. Iftekhar Jaim, Xiaohang Zhang, Se-Young Jeong, Demet Usanmaz, Stefano Curtarolo, Marco Fornari, Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, Ichiro Takeuchi, “Systematic band-gap tuning of BaSnO3 via chemical substitutions: the role of clustering in mixed-valence perovskites,” Chemistry of Materials 29, 9378–9385 (2017).
216. Haiyan Tan, Kamala Bharathi, Ichiro Takeuchi, Leonid A Bendersky. “Transmission electron microscopy study of epitaxial Li-Mn-O films grown by pulsed laser deposition: The effect of temperature on formation of phases,” Thin Solid Films 638, 282 (2017).
215. H Hou, E Simsek, D Stasak, N Al Hasan, S Qian, R Ott, J Cui, I Takeuchi. “Elastocaloric Cooling of Additive Manufactured Shape Memory Alloys with Large Latent Heat,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50, 404001 (2017).
214. Tieren Gao, Xiaohang Zhang, William Ratcliff, Shingo Maruyama, Makoto Murakami, Anbusathaiah Varatharajan, Zahra Yamani, Peijie Chen, Ke Wang, Huairuo Zhang, Robert D Shull, Leonid A Bendersky, John Unguris, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, Ichiro Takeuchi. “Electric-field Induced Reversible Switching of the Magnetic Easy-axis in Co/BiFeO3 on SrTiO3,” Nano Letters 17, 2825 (2017).
213. F Burkert, M Janowski, X Zhang, I Takeuchi, CA Kuntscher. “Chemical pressure effect in Sm and La substituted ferroelectric BiFeO3 thin films: Insights from infrared spectroscopy, “Journal of Applied Physics 121, 144103 (2017).
212. Kenjiro Fujimoto, Minoru Gibu, Yuki Yamaguchi, Akihisa Aimi, Keishi Nishio, Oded Rabin, Ichiro Takeuchi. “Thermoelectric properties of bismuth-substituted calcium manganite Ca1−xBixMnO3− δ prepared via the electrostatic spray deposition method,” Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 125, 318 (2017).
211. ML Green, CL Choi, JR Hattrick-Simpers, AM Joshi, I Takeuchi, SC Barron, E Campo, T Chiang, S Empedocles, JM Gregoire, AG Kusne, J Martin, A Mehta, K Persson, Z Trautt, J Van Duren, Andriy Zakutayev. “Fulfilling the promise of the materials genome initiative with high-throughput experimental methodologies,” Applied Physics Reviews 4, 011105 (2017).
210. Y. Iwasaki, AG. Kusne, I. Takeuchi. “Comparison of dissimilarity measures for cluster analysis of X-ray diffraction data from combinatorial libraries,” npj Computational Materials 3, 4 (2017).
209. Sean W Fackler, Vasileios Alexandrakis, Dennis König, A Gilad Kusne, Tieren Gao, Matthew J Kramer, Drew Stasak, Kenny Lopez, Brad Zayac, Apurva Mehta, Alfred Ludwig, Ichiro Takeuchi. “Combinatorial study of Fe-Co-V hard magnetic thin films,” Science and Technology of advanced MaTerialS 18, 231 (2017).
208. K Terakura, I Takeuchi, “Focus on materials genome and informatics,” Science and Technology of advanced MaTerialS 18, 1 (2017).
207. C Nyshadham, C Oses, JE Hansen, I Takeuchi, S Curtarolo, GLW Hart. “A computational high-throughput search for new ternary superalloys,” Acta Materialia 122, 438 (2017).
206. Seunghun Lee, Xiaohang Zhang, Yangang Liang, SeanW. Fackler, Jie Yong, Xiangfeng Wang, Johnpierre Paglione, Richard L. Greene, and Ichiro Takeuchi, “Observation of the Superconducting Proximity Effect in the Surface State of SmB6 Thin Films,” Physical Review X6, 031031 (2016). (Article: MSE Nanophysics Research Ichiro Takeuchi and Team Step Closer to Quantum Computing Advance.)
205. TR Gao, L Fang, S Fackler, S Maruyama, XH Zhang, LL Wang, T Rana, P Manchanda, A Kashyap, K Janicka, AL Wysocki, AT N’Diaye, E Arenholz, JA Borchers, BJ Kirby, BB Maranville, KW Sun, MJ Kramer, VP Antropov, DD Johnson, R Skomski, J Cui, I Takeuchi, “Large energy product enhancement in perpendicularly coupled MnBi/CoFe magnetic bilayers,” Physical Review B94, 060411(R) (2016).
204. Benjamin Ruiz-Yi, Jonathan Kenneth Bunn, Drew Stasak, Apurva Mehta, Matthew Besser, Matthew J Kramer, Ichiro Takeuchi, Jason Hattrick-Simpers, “The Different Roles of Entropy and Solubility in High Entropy Alloy Stability,” ACS Combinatorial Science 18, 596-603 (2016).
203. Suxin Qian, Yunlong Geng, Yi Wang, Thomas E. Pillsbury, Yoshihara Hada, Yuki Yamaguchi, Kenjiro Fujimoto, Yunho Hwang, Reinhard Radermacher, Jun Cui, Yoji Yuki, Koutaro Toyotake, Ichiro Takeuchi, "Elastocaloric effect in CuAIZn and CuAIMn shape memory alloys under compression," Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 374: 20150309 (2016). doi: 10.1098/rsta.2015.0309 202. Ronald Maran, Shintaro Yasui, Eugene Eliseev, Anna Morozovska, Hiroshi Funakubo, Ichiro Takeuchi, Nagarajan Valanoor, “Enhancement of Dielectric Properties in Epitaxial Bismuth Ferrite–Bismuth Samarium Ferrite Superlattices,” Advanced Electronic Materials 2, 1600170 (2016). doi:10.1002/aelm. 201600170 (cover article)
201. Kui Jin, Wei Hu, Beiyi Zhu, Dohun Kim, Jie Yuan, Yujie Sun, Tao Xiang, Michael S. Fuhrer, Ichiro Takeuchi, Richard L. Greene, “Evolution of electronic states in n-type copper oxide superconductor via electric double layer gating,” Scientific Reports 6, 26642 (2016).
200. Z. Li, S. Yasui, S. Takeuchi, A. Creuziger, S. Maruyama, A. Herzing, I. Takeuchi, L. A. Bendersky, “Structural study of epitaxial LiCoO2 films grown by PLD on single crystal SrTiO3 substrates,” Thin Solid Films 612, 472-482 (2016).
199. Suxin Qian, Yunlong Geng, Yi Wang, Jan Muehlbauer, Jiazhen Ling, Yunho Hwang, Reinhard Radermacher, Ichiro Takeuchi, “Design of a hydraulically driven compressive elastocaloric cooling system,” Science and Technology for the Built Environment DOI: 10.1080/23744731.2016.1171630.
198. Y. Jiang, X. Zhang, S. Khim, D. Bhoi, K.-H. Kim, R. L. Greene, I. Takeuchi, “Unconventional Andreev reflection on the quasi-one-dimensional superconductor Nb2PdxSe5,” AIP Advances 6, 045210 (2016).
197. K. K. Bharathi, H Tan, S. Takeuchi, L. Meshi, H. Shen, J. Shin, I. Takeuchi, L. Bendersky, “Effect of oxygen pressure on structure and ionic conductivity of epitaxial Li0.33La0.55TiO3 solid electrolyte thin films produced by pulsed laser deposition,” RSC Advances 6, 61974-61983 (2016).
196. Wonkyung Kim, Miyeon Cheon, Seunghun Lee, Tae-Woo Lee, Jung Jin Park, Chae Ryong Cho, Chul Hong Park, Ichiro Takeuchi, Se-young Jeong, “Magnetic domains in H-mediated Zn0.9Co0.1O microdisk arrays,” RSC Advances 6, 57375-57379 (2016).
195. Robert E Usiskin, Shingo Maruyama, Chris J Kucharczyk, Ichiro Takeuchi, Sossina M Haile, “Probing the reaction pathway in (La0.8Sr0.2)0.95MnO3+δ using libraries of thin film microelectrodes,” Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3, 19330 (2015).
194. Haiyan Tan, Saya Takeuchi, K. Kamala Bharathi, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Leonid A. Bendersky, “Microscopy Study of Structural Evolution in Epitaxial LiCoO2 Positive Electrode Films during Electrochemical Cycling,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 6727-6735 (2016).
193. T.H. Rana, P. Manchanda, B. Balamurugan, A. Kashyap, T.R. Gao, I. Takeuchi, J. Cun, S. Biswas, R.F. Sabirianov, D.J. Sellmyer, R. Skomski, “Micromagnetism of MnBi: FeCo thin films,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49, 075003 (2016).
192. Yangang Liang, Yangyi Yao, Xiaohang Zhang, Wei-Lun Hsu, Yunhui Gong, Jongmoon Shin, Eric D Wachsman, Mario Dagenais, Ichiro Takeuchi, “Fabrication of organic-inorganic perovskite thin films for planar solar cells via pulsed laser deposition,” AIP Advances 6, 015001 (2016).
191. Demet Usanmaz, Pinku Nath, Jose Plata, Gus L. W. Hart, Ichiro Takeuchi, Marco Buongiorno Nardelli, Marco Fornari, Stefano Curtarorlo, “First principles thermodynamical modeling of the binodal and spinodal curves in lead chalcogenides,” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18, 5005 (2016).
190. Suxin Qian, Yunlong Geng, Yi Wang, Jiazhen Ling, Yunho Hwang, Reinhard Radermacher, Ichiro Takeuchi, Jun Cui, “A review of elastocaloric cooling: materials, cycles and system integrations,” International Journal of Refrigeration 64, 1-19 (2016).
189. Ichiro Takeuchi and Karl Sandeman, “Solid-state cooling with caloric materials,” Physics Today 68, 48 (2015). (cover article)
188. Yi Wang, Tiberiu-Dan Onuta, Christian J Long, Yunlong Geng, Ichiro Takeuchi, “Colossal magnetoelectric effect induced by parametric amplification,” Applied Physics Letters 107, 192902 (2015).
187. Frank Chen, John Goodfellow, Shi Liu, Ilya Grinberg, Matthias C Hoffmann, Anoop R Damodaran, Yi Zhu, Peter Zalden, Xiaohang Zhang, Ichiro Takeuchi, Andrew M Rappe, Lane W Martin, Haidan Wen, Aaron M Lindenberg, “Ultrafast Terahertz Gating of the Polarization and Giant Nonlinear Optical Response in BiFeO3 Thin Films,” Advanced Materials 27, 192902 (2015).
186. Suxin Qian, Dennis Nasuta, Adam Rhoads, Yi Wang, Yunlong Geng, Yunho Hwang, Reinhard Radermacher, Ichiro Takeuchi, “Not-in-kind cooling technologies: A quantitative comparison of refrigerants and system performance,” International Journal of Refrigeration 62, 177-192 (2016).
185. A. G. Kusne, D. Keller, A. Anderson, A. Zaban, I Takeuchi, “High-throughput determination of structural phase diagram and constituent phases using GRENDEL,” Nanotechnology 26, 444002 (2015). (cover article)
184. S. Maruyama, J. Shin, X. Zhang, R. Suchoski, S. Yasui, K. Jin, R. L. Greene, and I. Takeuchi, “Reversible electrochemical modulation of the superconducting transition temperature of LiTi2O4ultrathin films by ionic liquid gating,” Applied Physics Letters 107, 142602 (2015).
183. M. Staruch, C. Kassner, S. Fackler, I. Takeuchi, K. Bussmann, S. E. Lofland Jr., C. Dolabdjian, R. Lacomb, and P. Finkel, “Effects of magnetic field and pressure in magnetoelastic stress reconfigurable thin film resonators,” Applied Physics Letters 107, 032909 (2015). (PDF)
182. K. Jin, G. He, X. Zhang, S. Maruyama, S. Yasui, R. Suchoski, J. Shin, Y. Jiang, H.S. Yu, J. Yuan, L. Shan, F.V. Kusmartsev, R.L. Greene & I. Takeuchi, “Anomalous magnetoresistance in the spinel superconductor LiTi2O4,” Nature Communications 6, 7183 (2015). (PDF)
181. Jie Yong, Yeping Jiang, Xiaohang Zhang, Jongmoon Shin, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Richard L. Greene, “Magnetotransport in nanocrysatalline SmB6 thin films,” AIP Advances 5, 077144 (2015). (PDF)
180. Ying Li,Yi Liu, Tieren Gao, Boce Zhang, Yingying Song, Jessica L. Terrell, Nathan Barber, William E. Bentley, Ichiro Takeuchi, Gregory F. Payne, and Qin Wang, “Self-Assembly with Orthogonal-Imposed Stimuli To Impart Structure and Confer Magnetic Function To Electrodeposited Hydrogels,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7, 10587−10598 (2015). (PDF)
179. David A. Keller, Adam Ginsburg, Hannah-Noa Barad, Klimentiy Shimanovich, Yaniv Bouhadana, Eli Rosh-Hodesh, Ichiro Takeuchi, Hagit Aviv, Yaakov R. Tischler, Assaf Y. Anderson, and Arie Zaban, “Utilizing Pulsed Laser Deposition Lateral Inhomogeneity as a Tool in Combinatorial Material Science,” ACS Combinatorial Science 17, 209-216 (2015). (PDF)
178. Saya Takeuchi, Haiyan Tan, K. Kamala Bharathi, Gery R. Stafford, Jongmoon Shin, Shintaro Yasui, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Leonid A. Bendersky, “Epitaxial LiCoO2 Films as a Model System for Fundamental Electrochemical Studies of Positive Electrodesm” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7, 7901-7911 (2015). (PDF)
177. Suxin Qian, Abdullah Alabdulkarem, Jiazhen Ling, Jan Muehlbauer ,Yunho Hwang , Reinhard Radermacher, Ichiro Takeuchi, “Performance enhancement of a compressive thermoelastic cooling system using multi-objective optimization and novel designs,” International Journal of Refrigeration 57, 62-76 (2015). (PDF)
176. Suxin Qian, Jiazhen Ling, Yunho Hwang, Reinhard Radermacher, Ichiro Takeuchi, “Thermodynamics cycle analysis and numerical modeling of thermoelastic cooling systems,” International Journal of Refrigeration 56, 65-80 (2015). (PDF)
175. Tiberiu Onuta, Yi Wang, Samuel E. Lofland, and Ichiro Takeuchi, “Multiferroic operation of dynamic memory based on heterostructured cantilevers,” Advanced Materials 27, 202-206 (2015). Frontispiece article. (PDF)
174. Fei Xue, Linyun Liang, Yijia Gu, Ichiro Takeuchi, Sergei V. Kalinin, and Long-Qing Chen, “Composition- and pressure-induced ferroelectric to antiferroelectric transition phase transitions in Sm-doped BiFeO3 system,” Applied Physics Letters 106, 012903 (2015). (PDF)
173. Shingo Maruyama, V Anbusathaiah, Amy Poole, Enderle Mechthild, Ichiro Takeuchi, William D. Ratcliff, “Change in the magnetic structure of (Bi,Sm)FeO3 thin films at the morphotropic phase boundary probed by neutron diffraction,” APL Materials 2, 116106 (2014). (PDF)
172. Ralph Skomski, Priyanka Manchanda, Ichiro Takeuchi, Jun Cui, “Geometry Dependence of Magnetization Reversal in Nanocomposite Alloys,” Journal of the Minerals, Metals, & Materials Society 66, 1144 (2014). (PDF)
171. Jie Yong, Yeping Jiang, Demet Usanmaz, Stefano Curtarolo, Xiaohang Zhang, Linze Li, Xiaoqing Pan, Jongmoon Shin, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Richard L. Greene, “Robust Surface States indicated by Magnetotransport in SmB6 Thin Films,” Applied Physics Letters 105, 222403 (2014). (PDF)
170. Ronald Maran, Shintaro Yasui, Eugene A. Eliseev, Maya D. Glinchuk, Anna N. Morozovska, Hiroshi Funakubo, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Valanoor Nagarajan, “Interface control of a morphotropic phase boundary in epitaxial samarium modified bismuth ferrite superlattices,” Physical Review B 90, 245131 (2014). (PDF)
169. Sean W. Fackler, Michael J. Donahue, Tieren Gao, Paris N. A. Nero, Sang-Wook Cheong, John Cumings, and Ichiro Takeuchi, “Locally controlled magnetic anisotropy in transcritical permalloy thin films using ferroelectric BaTiO3 domains,” Applied Physics Letters 105, 212905 (2014). (PDF)
168. Aaron Gilad Kusne, Tieren Gao, Apurva Mehta, Liqin Ke, Manh Cuong Nguyen, Kai-Ming Ho, Vladimir Antropov, Cai-Zhuang Wang, Matthew J Kramer, Christian Long, and Ichiro Takeuchi, “On-the-fly machine-learning for high-throughput experiments: search for rare-earth-free permanent magnets,” Scientific Reports 4, 6367 (2014). (PDF)
167. J Unguris, SR Bowden, DT Pierce, M Trassin, R Ramesh, S-W Cheong, S Fackler, I Takeuchi, “Simultaneous imaging of the ferromagnetic and ferroelectric structure in multiferroic heterostructures,” APL Materials 2, 076109 (2014). (PDF)
166. Marcel Risch, Kelsey A. Stoerzinger, Shingo Maruyama, T. Hong, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Yang Shao-Horn, “La0.8Sr0.2MnO3−δ decorated with Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ: a bifunctional surface for oxygen electrocatalysis with enhanced stability and activity,” Journal of American Chemical Society 136, 5229−5232 (2014). (PDF)
165. Luz M. Sanchez, Alden D. Grobicki, Gabriel L. Smith, Jeffrey S. Pulskamp, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Ronald G. Polcawich, “Texture control in Lead Zirconate Titanate Multilayer Thin Films,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 61, 654-661 (2014). (PDF)
164. Seunghun Lee, Won-Kyung Kim, Yong Chan Cho, Bum-Su Kim, Ji Hun Park, Chang-Won Lee, YoungPak Lee, Sangbok Lee, Sean Fackler, Ichiro Takeuchi, Chae Ryong Cho, and Se-Young Jeong, “Hydrogen lithography for nanomagnetic domain on Co-doped ZnO using an anodic aluminum oxide template,” Applied Physics Letters 104, 052405 (2014) Featured cover article. (PDF)
163. J. Cui, J. P. Choi, G. Li, E. Polikarpov, J. Darsell, N. Overman, M. Olszta, D. Schreiber, M. Bowden, T. Droubay, M. J. Kramer, N. A. Zarkevich, L. L. Wang, D. D. Johnson, M. Marinescu, I. Takeuchi, Q. Z. Huang, H. Wu, H. Reeve, N. V. Vuong, and J. P. Liu, “Thermal stability of MnBi magnetic materials,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 064212 (2014). (PDF)
162. Chuan-Sheng Hu, Zhen-Lin Luo, Xia Sun, Guo-Qiang Pan, Qing He, Wen Wen, Xing-Tai Zhou, Ichiro Takeuchi, Chen Gao, “Strain induced metastable phase and phase evolution in PbTiO3-CoFe2O4 nanocomposite film,” Chinese Physics Letters 31, 017701 (2014). (PDF)
161. Che-Hui Lee, Nathan D. Orloff, Turan Birol, Ye Zhu, Veronica Goian, Ryan Haislmaier, Eftihia Vlahos, Julia A. Mundy, Yuefeng Nie, Michael D. Biegalski, Jingshu Zhang, Margitta Bernhagen, Nicole A. Benedek, Yongsam Kim, Joel D. Brock, Reinhard Uecker, Xiaoxing Xi, Venkatraman Gopalan, Dmitry Nuzhnyy, Stanislav Kamba, David A. Muller, Ichiro Takeuchi, James C. Booth, Craig J. Fennie, & Darrell G. Schlom, “Exploiting dimensionality and defect mitigation to create tunable microwave dielectrics,” Nature 502, 532 (2013). (PDF)
160. Kui Jin, Richard Suchoski, Sean Fackler, Yi Zhang, Xiaoqing Pan, Richard L. Greene, and Ichiro Takeuchi, “Combinatorial search of superconductivity in Fe-B composition spreads,” APL Materials 1, 042101 (2013).(PDF)
159. Seunghun Lee, Bum-Su Kim, Yong Chan Cho, Jong-Moon Shin, Seung-Wan Seo, Chae Ryong Cho, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Se-Young Jeong, “Origin of the ferromagnetism in ZnCoO from chemical reaction of Co3O4,” Current Applied Physics 13, 2005 (2013).(PDF)
158. Martin L. Green, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, “Applications of high throughput (combinatorial) methodologies to electronic, magnetic, optical, and energy-related materials,” J. Appl. Phys. 113, 231101 (2013). (PDF) Invited review and cover article.
157. L. M. Sanchez, D. M. Potrepka, G. R. Fox, I. Takeuchi, K.. Wang, L. Bendersky, R. G. Polcawich, “Optimization of PbTiO3 seed layers and Pt metallization for PZT based piezoMEMS actuators,” Journal of Materials Research 28, 1920 (2013). (PDF)
156. W. Ratcliff, II, Zahra Yamani, V. Anbusathaiah, T. R. Gao, P. A. Kienzle, H. Cao, and I. Takeuchi, “Electric-field-controlled antiferromagnetic domains in epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films probed by neutron diffraction,” Physical Review B 87, 140405(R) (2013). (PDF)
155. L.A. Bendersky, N.V. Kazantseva, U.R. Kattner, K. Wang, V.P. Oleshko, D. Hunter, I. Takeuchi, “Interfacial reaction of Co–Fe films with SiO2 substrates,” Acta Materialia 61, 4180 (2013). (PDF)
154. T. R. Gao, Y. Q. Wu, S. Fackler, I. Kierzewski, Y. Zhang, A. Mehta, M. J. Kramer, and I. Takeuchi, "Combinatorial exploration of rare-earth-free permanent magnets: magnetic and microstructural properties of Fe-Co-W thin films," Applied Physics Letters 102, 022419 (2013). (PDF)
153. Daisuke Kan, Christian J. Long, Christian Steinmetz, Samuel E. Lofland, and Ichiro Takeuchi, "Combinatorial search of structural transitions: systematic investigation of morphotropic phase boundaries in chemically substituted BiFeO3," Journal of Materials Research 27, 2691 (2012). Invited feature article. (PDF)
152. Chan-Ho Yang, Daisuke Kan, Ichiro Takeuchi, Valanoor Nagarajan, and Jan Seidel, "Doping BiFeO3: approaches and enhanced functionality," Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14, 15953-15962 (2012). (PDF)
151. Jun Cui, Yiming Wu, Jan Muehlbauer, Yunho Hwang, Reinhard Radermacher, Sean Fackler, Manfred Wuttig, and Ichiro Takeuchi, "Demonstration of high efficiency elastocaloric cooling with large ΔT using NiTi wires," Applied Physics Letters 101, 073904 (2012). (PDF) (Related News Story)
150. Tiberiu-Dan Onuta, Yi Wang, Christian J. Long, Samuel E. Lofland, and Ichiro Takeuchi, "Dynamic state switching in nonlinear multiferroic cantilevers," Applied Physics Letters 101, 043506 (2012). (PDF)
149. A.Y. Borisevich, E.A. Eliseev, A.N. Morozovska, C.-J. Cheng, J.-Y. Lin, Y.H. Chu, D. Kan, I. Takeuchi, V. Nagarajan, S.V. Kalinin, "Atomic-scale evolution of modulated phases at the ferroelectric–antiferroelectric morphotropic phase boundary controlled by flexoelectric interaction," Nature Communications 3, 775 (2012). (PDF) (Related News Story)
148. X.-H. Zhang, B. Lee, S. Khim, K.-H. Kim, R. L. Greene, and I. Takeuchi, "Probing the order parameter of superconducting LiFeAs using Pb/LiFeAs and Au/LeFeAs point-contact spectroscopy," Physical Review B 85, 094521 (2012). (PDF)
147. D. Hunter, W. Osborn, K. Wang, N. Kazantseva, J. Hattrick-Simpers, R. Suchoski, R. Takahashi, M. L. Young, A. Mehta, L. A. Bendersky, S. E. Lofland, M. Wuttig, and I. Takeuchi, "Giant magnetostriction in annealed Co1-xFex" Nature Communications 2, 518. (PDF) (Related News Story)
146. R. Potyrailo, K. Rajan, K. Stoewe, I. Takeuchi, B. Chisholm, H. Lam, "Combinatorial and High-Throughput Screening of Materials Libraries: Review of State of the Art," ACS Combinatorial Science 13, 579 (2011). Most read article of 2011 in ACS Combinatorial Science. (PDF) (Related Research Spotlight)
145. N. D. Orloff, J. R. Dennis, M. Cecchini, E. Schonbrun, E. Ross, Y. Wang, D. Novotny, R. M. Simmonds, J. Moreland, I. Takeuchi, and J. C. Booth, "Manipulating particle trajectories with phase-control in surface acoustic wave microfluidics," Biomicrofluidics 5, 044107 (2011). (PDF)
144. T.-D. Onuta, Y. Wang, C. J. Long, I. Takeuchi, "Energy harvesting properties of all-thin-film multiferroic cantilevers," Applied Physics Letters 99, 203506 (2011). (PDF) (Related News Story)
143. A.J. Zambano, H. Oguchi, I. Takeuchi, J. P. Liu, S. E. Lofland, L. A. Bendersky,Y. Liu, Y., Z. L. Wang, "Experimental evidence of dipolar interaction in bilayer nanocomposite magnets. Applied Physics A – Materials Science and Processing 103, 1183 (2011). (PDF)
142. D. Kan, C.-J. Cheng, V. Nagarajan, and I. Takeuchi, "Composition and temperature-induced structural evolution in La, Sm, and Dy substituted BiFeO3 expitaxial films at morphotropc phase boundaries," Journal of Applied Physics 110, 014106 (2011). (PDF) (Related News Story)
141. Y. Zhang, M. J. Kramer, D. Banerjee, I. Takeuchi, J. P. Liu, "Transmission electron microscopy study on Co/Fe interdiffusion in SmCo5/Fe and Sm2Co7Fe/Sm2Co7 thin films" Journal of Applied Physics 110, 053914 (2011). (PDF)
140. William Ratcliff II, Daisuke Kan, Wangchun Chen, Shannon Watson, Songxue Chi, Ross Erwin, Garry J. McIntyre, Sylvia C. Capelli, and Ichiro Takeuchi, "Neutron Diffraction Investigations of Magnetism in BiFeO3 Epitaxial Films," Advanced Functional Materials 21, 1567 (2011). (PDF) (Related News Story)
139. Daisuke Kan, Varatharajan Anbusathaiah, and Ichiro Takeuchi, "Chemical Substitution-Induced Ferroelectric Polarization Rotation in BiFeO3," Advanced Materials 23, 1765 (2011). (PDF)
138. Harish Bhaskaran, Mo Li, Daniel Garcia-Sanchez, Peng Zhao, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Hong X. Tang, "Active microcantilevers based on piezoresistive ferromagnetic thin films," Applied Physics Letters 98, 013502 (2011). (PDF)
137. Nathan D. Orloff, Jordi Mateu, Arkadiusz Lewandowski, Eduard Rocas, Josh King, Dazhen Gu, Xiaoli Lu, Carlos Collado, Ichiro Takeuchi, and James C. Booth, "A Compact Variable-Temperature Broadband Series-Resistor Calibration," IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 59, 188 (2011). (PDF)
136. Ching-Jung Cheng, Daisuke Kan, Varatharajan Anbusathaiah, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Valanoor Nagarajan, "Microstructure-electromechanical property correlations in rare-earth substituted BiFeO3 epitaxial thin films at morphotropic phase boundaries," Applied Physics Letters 97, 212905 (2010). (PDF)
135. "Atomic resolution imaging at 2.5 GHz using near-field microwave microscopy," Jonghee Lee, Christian J. Long, Haitao Yang, Xiao-Dong Xiang, and Ichiro Takeuchi, Applied Physics Letters 97, 183111 (2010). (PDF)
134. "Phase coexistence near a morphotropic phase boundary in Sm-doped BiFeO3 films," S. B. Emery, C.-J. Cheng, D. Kan, F. J. Rueckert, S. P. Alpay, V. Nagarajan, I. Takeuchi, and B. O. Wells, Applied Physics Letters 97, 152902 (2010). (PDF)
133. "Evidence of a universal and isotropic 2Δ/kBTC ratio in 122-type iron pnictide superconductors over a wide doping range," Xiaohang Zhang, Yoon Seok Oh, Yong Liu, Liqin Yan, Shanta R. Saha, Nicholas P. Butch, Kevin Kirshenbaum, Kee Hoon Kim, Johnpierre Paglione, Richard L. Greene, and Ichiro Takeuchi, Physical Review B 82, 020515 R (2010). Editors’ Suggestion. (PDF)
132. "Effect of substrate orientation on lattice relaxation of epitaxial BiFeO3 thin films," Daisuke Kan and Ichiro Takeuchi, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 014104 (2010). (PDF)
131. "Physical and chemical characterization of combinatorial metal gate electrode Ta–C–N library film," K.-S. Chang, M. L. Green, I. Levin, J. R. Hattrick-Simpers, C. Jaye, D. A. Fischer, I. Takeuchi and S. De Gendt, Applied Physics Letters 96, 192114 (2010). (PDF)
130. "Identification of quaternary shape memory alloys with near zero thermal hysteresis and unprecedented functional stability," Robert Zarnetta, Ryota Takahashi, Marcus L. Young, Alan Savan, Yasubumi Furuya, Sigurd Thienhaus, Burkhard Maaß, Mustafa Rahim, Jan Frenzel, Hayo Brunken, Yong S. Chu, Vijay Srivastava, Richard D. James, Ichiro Takeuchi, Gunther Eggeler and Alfred Ludwig, Advanced Functional Materials 20, 1917 (2010). Cover article. (PDF)
129. "Combinatorial Investigation of Structural and Ferroelectric Properties of A- and B-Site Co-Doped BiFeO3 Thin Films," Daisuke Kan, Richard Suchoski, Shigehiro Fujino, and Ichiro Takeuchi, Integrated Ferroelectrics 111, 116 (2009). (PDF)
128. "Universal Behavior and Electric-Field-Induced Structural Transition in Rare-Earth-Substituted BiFeO3," Daisuke Kan, Lucia Pa'lova', Varatharajan Anbusathaiah, Ching Jung Cheng, Shigehiro Fujino, Valanoor Nagarajan, Karin M. Rabe, and Ichiro Takeuchi, Advanced Functional Materials 20, 1108 (2010). (PDF)
127. "Nanoscale Structural and Chemical Properties of Antipolar Clusters in Sm-Doped BiFeO3 Ferroelectric Epitaxial Thin Films," Ching-Jung Cheng, Albina Y. Borisevich, Daisuke Kan, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Valanoor Nagarajan, Chemistry of Materials 22, 2588 (2010). (PDF)
126. "In Situ Observation of Reversible Nanomagnetic Switching Induced by Electric Fields," Todd Brintlinger, Sung-Hwan Lim, Kamal H. Baloch, Paris Alexander, Yi Qi, John Barry, John Melngailis, Lourdes Salamanca-Riba, I. Takeuchi, and John Cumings, Nano Letters 10, 1219 (2010). (PDF)
125. "Rapid identification of structural phases in combinatorial thin-film libraries using x-ray diffraction and non-negative matrix factorization," C. J. Long, D. Bunker, X. Li, V. L. Karen, and I. Takeuchi, Review of Scientific Instruments 80, 103902 (2009). (PDF)
124. "Josephson effect between electron-doped and hole-doped iron pnictide single crystals," Xiaohang Zhang, Shanta R. Saha, Nicholas P. Butch, Kevin Kirshenbaum, Johnpierre Paglione, Richard L. Greene, Yong Liu, Liqin Yan, Yoon Seok Oh, Kee Hoon Kim, and Ichiro Takeuchi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 062510 (2009). (PDF)
123. "Structural transitions and complex domain structures across a ferroelectric-to-antiferroelectric phase boundary in epitaxial Sm-doped BiFeO3 thin films," C.-J. Cheng, D. Kan, S.-H. Lim, W. R. McKenzie, P. R. Munroe, L. G. Salamanca-Riba, R. L. Withers, I. Takeuchi, and V. Nagarajan, Physical Review B 80, 01409 (2009). (PDF)
122. "An infrared imaging method for high-throughput combinatorial investigation of hydrogenation-dehydrogenation and new phase formation of thin films," H. Oguchi, J. Hattrick-Simpers, I. Takeuchi, E. J. Heilweil, and L. A. Bendersky, Review of Scientific Instruments 80, 073707 (2009). (PDF)
121. "Fabrication and characterization of all-thin-film magnetoelectric sensors," Peng Zhao, Zhenli Zhao, Dwight Hunter, Richard Suchoski, Chen Gao, Scott Mathews, Manfred Wuttig, and Ichiro Takeuchi, Applied Physics Letters 94, 243507 (2009). (PDF)
120. "Anomalous ferromagnetism in TbMnO3 thin films," B. J. Kirby, D. Kan, A. Luykx, M. Murakami, D. Kundaliya, and I. Takeuchi, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 07D917 (2009). (PDF)
119. "Labile Ferroelastic Nanodomains in Bilayered Ferroelectric Thin Films,"Varatharajan Anbusathaiah, Daisuke Kan, Fransiska C. Kartawidjaja,Reza Mahjoub, Miryam A. Arredondo, Samantha Wicks, Ichiro Takeuchi, John Wang, and Valanoor Nagarajan, Advanced Materials 21, 3497-3502 (2009). (PDF)
118. "Observation of the Josephson Effect in Pb/Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Single Crystal Junctions," Xiaohang Zhang, Yoon Seok Oh, Yong Liu, Liqin Yan, Kee Hoon Kim, Richard L. Greene, and Ichiro Takeuchi, Physical Review Letters 102, 147002 (2009). (PDF)
117. "Synthesis and characterization of Nb2AlC thin films," T.H. Scabarozi, J. Roche, A. Rosenfeld, S.H. Lim, L. Salamanca-Riba, G. Yong, I. Takeuchi, M.W. Barsoum, D. Hettinger and S.E. Lofland, Thin Solid Films 517, 2920 (2009). (PDF)
116. "Exchange bias in thin-film (Co/Pt)3/Cr2O3 multilayers," S.-H. Lim, M. Murakami, S.E. Lofland, A.J. Zambano, L.G. Salamanca-Riba, I. Takeuchi, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321, 1955 (2009). (PDF)
115. "The effect of CoPt crystallinity and grain texturing on properties of exchange-coupled Fe/CoPt systems," H. Oguchi, A. Zambano, M. Yu, J. Hattrick-Simpers, D. Banerjee, Y. Liu, Z. L. Wang, J. P. Liu, S. E. Lofland, D. Josell, and I. Takeuchi, Journal of Applied Physics 105, 023912 (2009). (PDF)
114. "Broadband dielectric spectroscopy of Ruddlesden–Popper Srn+1TinO3n+1 (n=1,2,3) thin films," N. D. Orloff, W. Tian, C. J. Fennie, C. H. Lee, D. Gu, J. Mateu, X. X. Xi, K. M. Rabe, D. G. Schlom, I. Takeuchi, and J. C. Booth, Applied Physics Letters 94, 042908 (2009). (PDF)
113. "Role of oxygen partial pressure and seed layer chemistry in flux mediated epitaxy of single phase multiferroic BiFeO3 thin films," Varatharajan Anbusathaiah, Ching Jung Cheng, Sung Hwan Lim, Makoto Murakami, Lourdes G. Salamanca-Riba, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Valanoor Nagarajan, Applied Physics Letters 93, 192906 (2008). (PDF)
112. "Combinatorial investigation of magnetostriction in Fe–Ga and Fe–Ga–Al," Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, Dwight Hunter, Corneliu M. Craciunescu, Kyu Sung Jang, Makoto Murakami, James Cullen, Manfred Wuttig, Ichiro Takeuchi, Samuel E. Lofland, Leonid Benderksy, Noble Woo, Robert Bruce Van Dover, Toshiya Takahashi, and Yasubumi Furuya, Applied Physics Letters 93, 102507 (2008). (PDF)
111. "High-throughput screening of shape memory alloy thin-film spreads using nanoindentation," Arpit Dwivedi, Thomas J. Wyrobek, Oden L. Warren, Jason Hattrick-Simpers, Olugbenga O. Famodu, and Ichiro Takeuchi, Journal of Applied Physics 104, 073501 (2008). (PDF)
110. "Determination of Work Functions in the Ta1-xAlxNy/HfO2 Advanced Gate Stack Using Combinatorial Methodology," Kao-Shuo Chang, Martin L. Green, Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, Ichiro Takeuchi, John S. Suehle, Ozgur Celik, and Stefan De Gendt, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 55, 2641 (2008). (PDF)
109. "Enhanced dielectric properties in single crystal-like BiFeO3 thin films grown by flux-mediated epitaxy, " S. Fujino, M. Murakami, A. Varatharajan, S.-H. Lim, V. Nagarajan, C. J. Fennie, M. Wuttig, L. Salamanca-Riba, and I. Takeuchi, Applied Physics Letters 92, 202904 (2008). (PDF)
108. "Combinatorial approach to synthesize single crystal-like BiFeO3 thin films using flux-mediated epitaxy," S.–H. Lim, M. Murakami, J. H. Yang, S.-Y. Young, J. Hattrick-Simpers, M. Wuttig, L. G. Salamanca-Riba, and I. Takeuchi, Applied Physics Letters 92, 012918 (2008). (PDF)
107. "Demonstration of magnetoelectric scanning probe microscopy," Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, Liyang Dai, Manfred Wuttig, Ichiro Takeuchi, Eckhard Quandt, Review of Scientific Instruments 78, 106103 (2007). (PDF)
106. "Ferroelectric properties of multiphase Bi–Fe–O thin films," S. Fujino, M. Murakami, S.-H. Lim, M. Wuttig, L.G. Salamanca-Riba, I. Takeuchi, Solid State Ionics 178, 257 (2007). (PDF)
https://mse.umd.edu/sites/mse.umd.edu/files/documents/faculty/takeuchi/1..." style="width: 150px; height: 200px; float: left; padding-right: 18px; padding-bottom: 18px;">105. "Data analysis in combinatorial experiments: applying supervised principal component technique to investigate the relationship between ToF-SIMS spectra and the composition distribution of ternary metallic alloy thin films,"Rossana Dell’Anna, Paolo Lazzeri, Roberto Canteri, Christian J Long, J. Hattrick-Simpers, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Mariano Anderle, QSAR and Combinatorial Science 27, 171 (2008) Cover article. (PDF)
104. "Orientation and magnetic properties of FePt and CoPt films grown on MgO(110) single-crystal substrate by electron-beam coevaporation," Minghui Yu, H. Oguchi, I. Takeuchi, J. P. Liu, D. Josell, L. A. Bendersky, and A. J. Zambano, Mater. Sci. Eng. B 142, 139 (2007). (PDF)
103. "Homo- and hetero-epitaxial growth of hexagonal and cubic MgxZn1−xO alloy thin films by pulsed laser deposition technique," S. S. Hullavarad, N. V. Hullavarad, D. E. Pugel, S. Dhar, I. Takeuchi, T. Venkatesan and R. D. Vispute, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 40, 4887 (2007). (PDF)
102. "High throughput screening of magnetic properties of quenched metallic alloy thin film composition spreads," Jason R. Hattrick-Simpers, Jun Cui, Makoto Murakami, Manfred Wuttig, Ichiro Takeuchi, Antonio Orozco, Lee Knauss, Robert Booth, Samuel E. Lofland, Applied Surface Science 254, 725 (2007). (PDF)
101. "The Effects of Multiphase Formation on Strain Relaxation and Magnetization in Multiferroic BiFeO3 Thin Films," Sung Hwan Lim, Makoto Murakami, Wendy Lynn Sarney, Shen Qiang Ren, Anbusathaiah Varatharajan, Valanoor Nagarajan, Shigehiro Fujino, Manfred Wuttig, Ichiro Takeuchi, and Lourdes G. Salamanca-Riba, Advanced Functional Materials 17, 2594 (2007). (PDF)
100. "Growth and structural properties of Bi(FexSc1−x)O3 thin films," M. Murakami, M. A. Aronova, M. Wuttig, I. Takeuchi, S. Trolier-McKinstry, K. McDonald, E. Knoesel, and S. E. Lofland, T. Chikyow, T. Aoyama, and K. Nakajima, Philosophical Magazine Letters 87, 241 (2007). (PDF)
99. "Rapid structural mapping of ternary metallic alloy systems using the combinatorial approach and cluster analysis," C. J. Long, J. Hattrick-Simpers, M. Murakami, R.C. Srivastava, V. L. Karen, and I. Takeuchi, Review of Scientific Instruments 78, 072217 (2007). (PDF)
98. "Dependence of exchange coupling interaction on micromagnetic constants in hard/soft magnetic bilayer systems," A. J. Zambano, H Oguchi, I. Takeuchi, Y. Choi, J. S. Jiang, J. P. Liu, S. E. Lofland, D. Josell and L. A. Bendersky, Physical Review B 75, 144429 (2007). (PDF)
97. "Role of diffused Co atoms in improving effective exchange coupling in Sm-Co/Fe spring magnets," Y. Choi, J. S. Jiang, Y. Ding, R. A. Rosenberg, J. E. Pearson, S. D. Bader, A. Zambano, M. Murakami, I. Takeuchi, Z. L. Wang, and J. P. Liu, Physical Review B 75, 104432 (2007). (PDF)
96. "Oxygen-doped Mott-Hubbard cuprate superconductor La1.85Y0.15CuO4−Δ from transport measurements," W. Yu, B. Liang, P. Li, S. Fujino, M. Murakami, I. Takeuchi, and R. L. Greene, Physical Review B 75, 020503 (2007). (PDF)
https://mse.umd.edu/sites/mse.umd.edu/files/documents/faculty/takeuchi/9..." style="width: 150px; height: 200px; padding-right: 18px; padding-bottom: 18px; float: left;">95. "Combinatorial experimentation and materials informatics,"Ichiro Takeuchi, Mikk Lippmaa, and Yuji Matsumoto, MRS Bulletin 31, 999 (2006). (PDF)
94. "Combinatorial study of Ni–Ti–Pt ternary metal gate electrodes on HfO2 for the advanced gate stack," K.-S. Chang, M. L. Green, J. Suehle, E. M. Vogel, H. Xiong, J. Hattrick-Simpers, I. Takeuchi, O. Famodu, K. Ohmori, P. Ahmet, T. Chikyow, P. Majhi, B.-H. Lee, and M. Gardner, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 142108 (2006) (PDF)
93. "Multiferroic properties of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3/CoFe2O4 composite thin films," N. Ortega, P. Bhattacharya, R. S. Katiyar, P. Dutta, A. Manivannan, M. S. Seehra, I Takeuchi, S. B. Majumder, Journal of Applied Physics 100, 126105 (2006). (PDF)
92. "Multiphase growth in Bi-Mn-O3 thin films," S. Fujino, M. Murakami, S.-H. Lim, L. G. Salamanca-Riba, M. Wuttig, and I. Takeuchi, Journal of Applied Physics 101, 013903 (2007). (PDF)
91. "Combinatorial Search of Thermoelastic Shape Memory Alloys with Minimal Hysteresis," Jun Cui, Yong S. Chu, Olugbenga O. Famodu, Yasubumi Furuya, Jae. Hattrick-Simpers, Richard James, Alfred Ludwig, Sigurd Thienhaus, Manfred Wuttig, Zhiyong Zhang, and I. Takeuchi, Nature Materials 5, 286 (2006). (PDF)
90. "Epitaxy, Texturing and Second-Harmonic Generation in BiFeO3 Thin Films," S.E. Lofland, K. F. McDonald, C.J. Metting, E. Knoesel, M. Murakami, M.A. Aronova, S. Fujino, M. Wuttig, and I. Takeuchi, Physical Review B 73, 092408 (2006). (PDF)
89. "Microstructure and phase control in Bi-Fe-O multiferroic nanocomposite thin films," M. Murakami, S. Fujino, S.-H. Lim, L. G. Salamanca-Riba, M. Wuttig, I. Takeuchi, Bindhu Varughese, H. Sugaya, and T. Hasegawa, Applied Physics Letters 88, 112505 (2006). (PDF)
88. "Multiferroic BiCrO3 thin films," M. Murakami, S. Fujino, S.-H. Lim, L. G. Salamanca-Riba, M. Wuttig, I. Takeuchi, T. Hasegawa, N. Valanoor and A. Varatharajan, Applied Physics Letters 88, 152902 (2006). (PDF)
87. "Combinatorial Materials Synthesis,"Ichiro Takeuchi, Jochen Lauterbach, and Michael J. Fasolka, Materials Today 8, 18 (2005). Invited review paper, cover article. (PDF)
86. "Measurement of the Magnetoelectric Coefficient using a Scanning Evanescent Microwave Microscope," C. Gao, Bo Hu, Xuefei Li, Chihui Liu, M. Murakami, K.-S. Chang, C. J. Long, M. Wuttig, and I. Takeuchi, Applied Physics Letters 87, 153505 (2005). (PDF)
85. "Tunable Multiferroic Properties in Nanocomposite PbTiO3-CoFe2O4 Epitaxial Thin Films," M. Murakami, K.-S. Chang, M. A. Aronova, C.-L. Lin, Ming H. Yu, J. Hattrick Simpers, M. Wuttig, I. Takeuchi, C. Gao, B. Hu, S. E. Lofland, L. A. Bendersky, Applied Physics Letters 87, 112901 (2005). (PDF)
78. "Quantitative Scanning Evanescent Microwave Microscopy and Its Applications in Characterization of Functional Materials Libraries," Chen Gao, Bo Hu, I Takeuchi, Kao-Shuo Chang, Xiao-Dong Xiang and Gang Wang, Measurement Science and Technology 16, 248 (2005). (PDF)
76. "Data Management and Visualization of X-ray Diffraction Spectra from Thin Film Ternary Composition Spreads," I. Takeuchi, C. J. Long, O. O. Famodu, M. Murakami, J. Hattrick-Simpers, G. W. Rubloff, M. Stukowski, and K. Rajan, Review of Scientific Instruments 76, 062223 (2005). (PDF)
75. "Room temperature ferromagnetic n-type semiconductor in (In1–xFex)2O3–σ," Jun He and Shifa Xu, Young K. Yoo, Qizhen Xue, Hyung-Chul Lee, Shifan Cheng, X.-D. Xiang, Gerald F. Dionne, Ichiro Takeuchi, Applied Physics Letters 86, 052503 (2005). (PDF)
74. "Bulk Synthesis and High-temperature Ferromagnetism of (In1–xFex)2O3–σ with Cu co-doping," Young K. Yoo, Qizhen Xue, Hyung-Chul Lee, Shifan Cheng, X.-D. Xiang, and Gerald F. Dionne, Shifa Xu and Jun He, Yong S. Chu, S. D. Preite, Samuel E. Lofland, Ichiro Takeuchi, Applied Physics Letters 86, 042506 (2005). (PDF)
72. "Combinatorial Solid State Chemistry of Inorganic Materials," Hideomi Koinuma and Ichiro Takeuchi, Nature Materials 3, 429-438 (2004). (PDF)
71. "Exploration of Artificial Multiferroic Thin Film Heterostructures Using Composition Spreads," K.-S. Chang, M. A. Aronova, C.-L. Lin, M. Murakami, M.-H. Yu, J. Hattrick-Simpers, O. O. Famodu, S. Y. Lee, R. Ramesh, M. Wuttig, I. Takeuchi, C. Gao, L. Bendersky, Applied Physics Letters 84, 3091 (2004). (PDF)
67. "Combinatorial Investigation of Spintronic Materials," (invited review paper) Y. Matsumoto, H. Koinuma, T. Hasegawa, I. Takeuchi, F. Tsui, and Young K. Yoo, MRS Bulletin 28, 734 (2003).
66. "Monolithic Multi-channel UV detector Arrays and Continuous Phase Evolution in MgxZn1-xO Composition Spreads," I. Takeuchi, W. Yang, K.-S. Chang, M. Aronova, R. D. Vispute, T. Venkatesan, L. A. Bendersky, Journal of Applied Physics 94, 7336 (2003); 95, 3840 (2004). (PDF)
65. "Combinatorial Libraries of Semiconductor Gas Sensors as Inorganic Electronic Noses," M. A. Aronova, K. S. Chang, I. Takeuchi, H. Jabs, D. Westerheim, A. Gonzalez-Martin, J. Kim, B. Lewis, Applied Physics Letters 83, 1225 (2003). (PDF)
61. "Identification of Novel Compositions of Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys using Composition Spreads," I. Takeuchi, O. Famodu, J. C. Read, M. Aronova, K.-S. Chang, C. Craciunescu, S. E. Lofland, M. Wuttig, F. C. Wellstood, L. Knouse, A. Orozco, Nature Materials 2, 180 (2003). (PDF) A review of this research by Robert W. Cahn was published in the News & Views section of Nature Materials, 2, 141-143 2003. (PDF)
54. "Ferromagnetic Resonance in Ni-Mn-Ga Films," S. I. Patil, Deng Tan, S. E. Lofland, S. M. Bhagat, I. Takeuchi, O. Famodu, J. C. Read, K.-S. Chang, C. Craciunescu, and M. Wuttig, Applied Physics Letters 81, 1279 (2002). (PDF)
53. "Combinatorial Synthesis and Evaluation of Functional Inorganic Materials using Thin-Film Techniques," (invited review paper)Ichiro Takeuchi, Robert Bruce van Dover, and Hideomi Koinuma, MRS Bulletin 27, 301 (2002). (PDF)
52. "Multimode Quantitative Microwave Microscopy of In-situ Grown Epitaxial Ba1-xSrxTiO3 Composition Spreads," K. S. Chang, M. Aronova, O. Famodu, I. Takeuchi, S. E. Lofland, J. Hattrick-Simpers, H. Chang, Applied Physics Letters 79, 4411 (2001). (PDF)